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Dowex Marathon A Strong Base Anion Resin
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Dowex Marathon A Strong Base Anion Resin | | Dowex Marathon A Strong Base Anion Resin | Dowex Marathon A Strong Base Anion Resin | Dowex Marathon A Strong Base Anion Resin | Dowex Marathon A Strong Base Anion Resin | Dowex Marathon A Strong Base Anion Resin | Dowex Marathon A Strong Base Anion Resin | Dowex Marathon A Strong Base Anion Resin
Dowex Marathon A Strong Base Anion Resin
General Information
Dowex Marathon A resin is a high capacity, gel type 1, strong base anion exchange resin of uniform bead size distribution. it is a based on a styrene-divinyl benzene copolymer matrix with quatenary ammonium functional groups. Dowex Marathon A resin is specially designed to give high throughput and economical operation in both water and non-water applications. it' s uniform particle size offers a number of advantages compared to conventional ( polydispersed) resins. The small uniform bead size of Dowex Marathon A resin results in rapid exchange kinetics during operation, more complete regeneration of the resin and faster, more thorough rinse following regeneration.
Recommended Operating Conditions
Maximum operating temperature:
OH- form
Cl- form
60° C ( 140° F)
100° C ( 212° F)
pH range 0-14
Bed depth, min. 800 mm ( 2.6 ft)
Flow rates:
Service/ fast rinse
Co-current regeneration/ displacement rinse
Counter-current regeneration/ displacement rinse
5-60 m/ h ( 2-24 gpm/ ft2)
See figure 1
1-10 m/ h ( 0.4-4 gpm/ ft2)
5-20 m/ h ( 2-8 gpm/ ft2)
Total rinse requirement 2-5 Bed volumes
2-5% NaOH
Ambient or up to 50° C ( 122° F) for silica removal

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