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GE Osmonics Stainless Steel Membrane Housings | Stainless Steel Membrane Housings GE Osmonics | Membrane Housings Stainless Steel GE Osmonics | Housings Membrane Stainless Steel GE Osmonics
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GE Osmonics Stainless Steel Membrane Housings | 0818807696 | GE Osmonics Stainless Steel Membrane Housings | Stainless Steel Membrane Housings GE Osmonics | Membrane Housings Stainless Steel GE Osmonics | Housings Membrane Stainless Steel GE Osmonics | GE Osmonics Stainless Steel Membrane Housings | Stainless Steel Membrane Housings GE Osmonics | Membrane Housings Stainless Steel GE Osmonics | Housings Membrane Stainless Steel GE Osmonics | GE Osmonics Stainless Steel Membrane Housings | Stainless Steel Membrane Housings GE Osmonics | Membrane Housings Stainless Steel GE Osmonics | Housings Membrane Stainless Steel GE Osmonics | GE Osmonics Stainless Steel Membrane Housings | Stainless Steel Membrane Housings GE Osmonics | Membrane Housings Stainless Steel GE Osmonics | Housings Membrane Stainless Steel GE Osmonics | GE Osmonics Stainless Steel Membrane Housings | Stainless Steel Membrane Housings GE Osmonics | Membrane Housings Stainless Steel GE Osmonics | Housings Membrane Stainless Steel GE Osmonics

Engineered for Performance
GE Water & Process Technologies flared end housings offer durable stainless steel construction at an
affordable price. Engineered especially for light industrial and commercial applications, GE housings
are designed to deliver trouble-free performance for the life of your membrane system.
GE End Entry housings have a single-piece end cap held securely in place with two external half
clamps. Unlike bale and pin type closures that localize the internal stresses, the half-clamp closure
system equally distributes them around the circumference of the housing. The half-clamp closure
system seals with a single O-ring fitted tightly around each end cap. This design eliminatesthe need for grooves or holes in the housings wall that can lead to torn O-rings.

Why Stainless Steel
• Unlike fiberglass, doesn’ t warp or weep
• Is not affected by UV rays or sunlight
• Stainless steel is a preferred and universally accepted material for water systems
• During assembly, stainless housings are lighter and easier to handle than PVC and FRP housings with equivalent pressure ratings

Single-Piece End Cap
The single-piece end cap extends slightly beyond the end of the housing making it easier to grip and
remove. This design also provides accessible port locations to simplify machine assembly and membrane
element change-outs.

Direct Connect ( DC) Design
The DC design seals standard size male permeate tubes directly to the end cap without the need foradapters. A universal design is also available with a variety of adapter kits to seal any size permeate
tube to the end cap.

Housing Features and Benefits
Competitively priced to fit your budget, and engineered to outperform plastic housings, GE housings deliver significant savings over the life your membrane system.

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