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Cartridge 30 Inch Commercial Beer and Wine Pre-Filters | Cartridge Filter for Beer | Cartridge Filter for Wine[31 Jan. 2011, 19:15:22]
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Cartridge 30 Inch Commercial Beer and Wine Pre-Filters | Cartridge Filter for Beer | Cartridge Filter for Wine | Cartridge 30 Inch Commercial Beer and Wine Pre-Filters | Cartridge Filter for Beer | Cartridge Filter for Wine | Cartridge 30 Inch Commercial Beer and Wine Pre-Filters | Cartridge Filter for Beer | Cartridge Filter for Wine | Cartridge 30 Inch Commercial Beer and Wine Pre-Filters | Cartridge Filter for Beer | Cartridge Filter for Wine | Cartridge 30 Inch Commercial Beer and Wine Pre-Filters | Cartridge Filter for Beer | Cartridge Filter for Wine | Cartridge 30 Inch Commercial Beer and Wine Pre-Filters | Cartridge Filter for Beer | Cartridge Filter for Wine
Cartridge 30 Inch Commercial Beer and Wine Pre-Filters

This fiberglass filtration media is widely used in the beer and wine industry as a pre-filter. It is ideally suited to protect the polyethersulfone media typically used downstream to provide final anti-microbial filtration prior to bottling. This cartridge provides a wide range of compatibility. Its gradient density design and rugged construction will provide maximum throughput. It can readily withstand chemical sanitization, autoclave and inline sterilization. The PWF2530FG is an excellent pre-filtration choice for your beer and wine PES filtration protocol.

Dimensions 2.75 inch width x 30 inch length.
Flow Rate - The flow rate is approximately 22 gallons with the 30 inch cartridge.
Pore Size: Cartridges are available in .45, .65 , 1 and 3 microns.
Stainless Steel Ring: Cartridges that will undergo repeated autoclave cycles or otherwise be exposed to high temperatures should have a stainless steel ring configuration. This will preserve the integrity of the end cap.

2-222 O-Ring / Spear : This indicates the o-ring configuration is on one end and the spear / fin configuration is on the opposite end.
2-226 O-Ring / Spear : This indicates the o-ring configuration is on one end and the spear / fin configuration is on the opposite end.
Flat Gasket : This indicates the flat gasket configuration is on both ends.

Technical Information

Construction Materials
Filtration Media : Fiber Glass
Filtration media support, end caps, center core and outer support cage are all made of FDA grade polypropylene material.

Maximum Operating Parameters :
Forward Differential Pressure - 50 psi ( 3.4 bar) at 20° C
Reverse Differential Pressure - 40 psi ( 2.7 bar) at 20° C
Operating Temperature - 180° F ( 82° C) at 10 psid ( 0.69 bar) in water
Recommended Change Out Pressure - 35 psid ( 2.4 bar)
Sanitization / Sterilization
Filtered Hot Water - 194° F ( 90° C)
Chemical Sanitization - Industry standard concentrations of hydrogen peroxide, parecetic acid, sodium hypochlorite and other selected chemicals.

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