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    Incinerator ,  incinerator rumah sakit ,  incinerator ,  liquid waste incinerator ,  medical waste incinerator,  Pembakar Limbah Sampah,  WED SCRABBER,  CYCLONE SPRAY SCRUBBER,  Venturi scrubber,  EJECTOR VENTURI SCRUBBER / EDUCTOR SCRUBBER,  Low En

    Incinerator , incinerator rumah sakit , incinerator , liquid waste incinerator , medical waste incinerator, Pembakar Limbah Sampah, WED SCRABBER, CYCLONE SPRAY SCRUBBER, Venturi scrubber, EJECTOR VENTURI SCRUBBER / EDUCTOR SCRUBBER, Low En

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    Transfer Bank (T/T)

    Keterangan :

    Solid & Liquid waste Incinerator The thermo Q product line covers a wide range of incinerator systems ranging from municipal solid waste to automatic incinerators for infectious medical waste from hospitals and clinics, liquid waste and sludge waste from industrial , as well as industrial solid waste . Multy Chamber Design The thermo Q Incinerator multy chamber design is one of many reasons that thermo Q Incinerators meet the construction regulations and tough emission rules issued. For Industrial Waste - Low fly ash carry over with Multy - hamber system - High efficiency incineration - No passing of unburned liquids to ash collection - Capable of injecting liquid waste together with solid waste - High thermal efficiency - Rapid cooling of the flue gases - Multiple layers of insulation - Refractory made from high alumina C 16 with max. temp. operation1.400oC Capacity : 50 kg/ hr ~ 1.000 kg/ hr Product range : - Incinerator - Liquid waste incinerator - Solid waste incinerator - Solid and liquid waste incinerator - medical waste incinerator - solid waste incinerator - multy chamber incinerator - rotary incinerator

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