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    KHK Gear

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    Kohara Aksesoris Industry Co, Ltd adalah produsen terkemuka gearing di Jepang. Selama lebih dari 70 tahun, Kohara gear telah menjadi perusahaan yang ditujukan untuk pembuatan roda gigi.

    Spur Gears,
    Ground Spur Gear ( MSGA) ,
    Ground Spur Gears ( SSG) ,
    Ground Spur Pinion Shafts ( SSGS) ,
    Steel.spur Gears ( SS) ,
    Steel, Hubless Spur Gears ( SSA) ,
    Steel, Thin Face Spur Gears ( SSY)
    Steel, Hubless, Thin FaceSpur Gears ( SSAY) ,
    Steel, Hubless, Thin Face Spur Gears ( SSAY) ,
    SSAY Stock Gears with K-Clamps
    Stainless, Steel, Spur Gears ( SUS SUSA) ,
    Fairloc Hub Gears ( SUSL)
    Plastic Spur Gears with Steel Core ( NSU)
    Plastic Spur with Stainless, Stainless Steel Core ( PU)
    Plastic Spur Gears ( PS PSA)
    Injection Molded Spur Gears( DS)
    Brass Spur Gears( BSS)
    Steel Ring Gears( Spur Gears) ( SSR)
    Sintered Metal Spur Gears( LS)
    Fairloc Hub Acetai Spur Gears ( DSL)
    Helical Gears
    Ground Helical Gears ( KHG)
    Helical Gears ( SH)
    Internal Gears
    Internal Gears ( SI)
    Ring Gears ( SIR)
    Ground Racks ( KRG)
    Ground Racks ( SRG)
    Racks( SR)
    Racks with Machined Ends( SRF)
    Racks with Machined Ends( KRF)
    Racks with Bolts Holes( SRFD)
    Corner Racks ( External) ( SSR)
    Corner Racks ( Internal) ( SIR)
    Stainless Steel Racks ( SUR)
    Brass Racks( BSR)
    Plastic Racks( PR)
    Molded Flexible Racks( DR)
    Round Racks( SRO)
    Round Racks( SURO)
    Ground Helical Racks( KRHG)
    Helical Racks( SRH)
    CP Racks
    CP Ground Racks( KRGCP)
    CP Ground Racks( SRGCP)
    CP Racks( SRCP)
    CP Racks( KRCPF)
    CP Stainless Steel Racks( SURCPF)
    CP Round Racks( SROCP)
    CP Metal Flexible Racks( FRCP)
    CP Tepered Racks( STRCPF)
    CP Pinions
    CP Ground Spur Gears( SSCPGS)
    CP Ground Spur Gears( SSCPG)
    CP Spur Gears( SSCP)
    CP Stainless Steel Gears( SUSCP)
    Tepred Pinion( KTSCP)
    Miter Gears
    Ground Spiral Miter Gears( MMSG)
    Ground Spiral Miter Gears( SMSG)
    Spiral Miter Gears( MMSA)
    Spiral Miter Gears( MMS)
    Spiral Miter Gears( SMS)
    Hardened Miter Gears( SMA)
    Carburized & HardenedMiter Gears ( MM)
    Sintered Metal Miter Gears( LM)
    Miter Gears( SM)
    Stainless SteelMiter Gears ( SUM)
    Finished BoreStainless Miter Gears ( SUMA)
    Plastic Miter Gears( PM)
    Injection MoldedMiter Gears ( DM)
    Angular Miter Gears( SAM)
    Spiral Miter Gears
    Bevel Gears
    Ground Spiral Bevel Gears ( MBSG)
    Ground Spiral Bevel Gears( SBSG)
    Spiral Bevel Gears( MBSA)
    Spiral Bevel Gears( SBS)
    Bevel Gears( SB)
    Bevel Gears & Pinion Shafts( SB)
    Stainless Steel Bevel Gears( SUB)
    Plastic Bevel Gears( PB)
    Injection Molded Bevel Gears( DB)
    High-Ratio, Hypoid Gears ( MHP)
    Spiral Bevel Gears
    Screw Gears
    Steel Screw Gears( SN)
    Stainless Steel Screw Geasr( SUN)
    Aluminum-BronzeScrew Gears ( AN)
    Plastic Screw Gears( PN)
    Duplex Worms, Worm Gears ( KWGDL)
    Duplex Worms, Worm Gears ( KWGDLS)
    Ground Worm Shafts, Worm Gears ( KWG)
    Ground Worms, Worm Gears ( SWG)
    Worms, Bronze Worm Gears ( SW)
    Stainless Steel Worms( SUW)
    Worm Gears
    Duplex Worms, Worm Gears ( AGDL)
    Ground Worm Shafts, Worm Gears ( AG)
    Ground Worm Shafts, Worm Gears ( AGF)
    Worms, Bronze Worm Gears ( BG)
    Worms, Gray Iron Worm Gears ( CG)
    Worms, Plastic Worm Gears ( PG)
    Other Products
    Pawls & Hubless Rachets( SRT)
    Gear Couplings( GC)
    Involute Spline Shafts & Bushings ( SV SVI)
    Sintered Metal Bushings( BB)
    Rack Guide Rails( ARL)
    Rack Clamps( SRS)
    Bevel Box ( KBX)
    PBX Mini-Bevel Gear Box
    CBX Bevel Box

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