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Tn. Henry Legowo
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Nomor ponsel Tn. Henry Legowo di Jakarta Barat
Jalan Haji kelik 75 Kel Srengseng Kec Kebon Jeruk
Jakarta Barat 11550, Jakarta
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ACETIC ACID GLACIAL- Taiwan[29 Dec. 2011, 21:27:48]
HargaUSD 1.25 + PPN / KG
Jumlah Pesanan:
Cara PembayaranTransfer Bank (T/T), Tunai
Kemas & Pengiriman30 Kg/gallon
Negara AsalTaiwan


Glacial Acetic Acid is produced through a process of petrochemical synthesis. The process occurs two ( 2) stage of the process metanolisis synthesis ( hydrolysis reaction of natural gas methane into pure methanol) and carbonylation process ( the reaction between methanol and the Carbon / CO form of pure glacial acetic acid) . Acetic Acid is produced in the synthesis of petrochemical products of pure glacial acetic acid, so it is not necessary purification ( distillation) . Glacial Acetic Acid is produced through a process of petrochemical synthesis tend to be more " Oilly" ( like oil) because of very high purity and does not contain other compounds that affect the reaction byproducts such purity formic acid and acetaldehyde.
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