THERMO-ANEMOMETER HD2303.0, Merk : DeltaOhm
The HD2303.0 is a portable instrument with a large LCD display. It is designed for use in the fi elds of air conditioning, heating, ventilation and environmental comfort. It uses hot-wire or vane probes to measure air speed, fl ow rate, and tem-perature inside pipelines and vents. Temperature only is measured by immersion, penetration or air contact probes. The temperature sensor used can be chosen from the Pt100, Pt1000.The probes are fi tted with the SICRAM module, with the factory calibration set-tings already being memorized inside.The Max, Min and Avg function calculate the maximum, minimum or average values. Other functions include: the relative measurement REL, the HOLD function, and the automatic turning off that can also be disabled.The instruments have IP67 protection degree.
Instrument Dimensions (Length x Width x Height) 140x88x38mm
Weight 160g (complete with batteries) Materials ABS
Display 2x41D2 digits plus symbols Visible area: 52x42mm
Operating conditions
Operating temperature -5…50°C Warehouse temperature -25…65°C Working relative humidity 0…90%RH without condensation
Protection degree IP67
Power Batteries 3 1.5V type AA batteries
Autonomy (*) 200 hours with 1800mAh alkaline batteries
Power absorbed with instrument off 20¼A
Measuring unit °C - °F - m/s - km/h - ft/min - mph - knot - l/s m3/min - m3/h - ft3/s - ft3/min
Connections Input module for the probes 8-pole male DIN45326 connector
Measurement of temperature by Instrument
Pt100 measurement range -200…+650°C
Pt1000 measurement range -200…+650°C
Resolution 0.1°C
Accuracy ±0.1°C
Drift after 1 year 0.1°C/year
Common characteristics
Resolution 0.1°C
Temperature drift @ 20°C 0.003%/°C
Common characteristics
Resolution 0.1°C
Temperature drift @ 20°C
Pt100 0.003%/°C
Pt1000 0.005%/°C
HD2303.0K: The kit is composed of the instrument HD2303.0, 3 1.5V alkaline bat-teries, operating manual, case. The probes must be ordered separately.
Probes complete with SICRAM module
AP471 S1: Hot-wire telescopic probe, measuring range: 0…40m/s. Cable length 2 metres.
AP471 S2: Omnidirectional hot-wire probe, measuring range: 0…5m/s. Cable length 2 metres.
AP471 S3: Hot-wire telescopic probe with terminal tip for easy position, measur-ing range: 0…40m/s. Cable length 2 metres.
AP471 S4: Omnidirectional hot-wire telescopic probe with base, measuring range: 0…5m/s. Cable length 2 metres.
AP471 S5: Omnidirectional hot-wire telescopic probe, measuring range: 0…5m/s. Cable length 2 metres.
AP472 S1L: Vane probe with thermocouple, Ø 100mm. Speed from 0.6 to 20m/s; temperature from -25 to 80°C. Cable length 2 metres.
AP472 S1H: Vane probe with thermocouple, Ø 100mm speed from 10 to 30m/s; temperature from -25 to 80°C. Cable length 2 metres.
AP472 S2: Vane probe, Ø 60mm. Measurement range: 0.25…20m/s. Cable length 2 metres.
AP472 S4L: Vane probe, Ø 16mm. speed from 0.6 to 20m/s. Cable length 2 metres.
AP472 S4LT: Vane probe with thermocouple, Ø 16mm, speed from 0.6 to 20m/s. Temperature from -30 to 120°C with thermocouple K sensor(*). Cable length 2 metres.
AP472 S4H: Vane probe, Ø 16mm speed from 10 to 50m/s. Cable length 2 metres.
AP472 S4HT: Vane probe with thermocouple, Ø 16mm speed from 10 to 50m/s. Temperature from -30 to 120°C with thermocouple K sensor(*). Cable length 2 metres.
(*) The temperature limit refers to the probe head, where the vane and temperature sen-sors are located, and not to the handle, cable and telescopic rod that can withstand up to the maximum temperature of 80°C.
TP472I: Immersion probe, Pt100 sensor. Stem Ø 3 mm, length 300 mm. Cable length 2 metres.
TP472I.0: Immersion probe, Pt100 sensor. Stem Ø 3 mm, length 230 mm. Cable length 2 metres.
TP473P.0: Penetration probe, Pt100 sensor. Stem Ø 4mm, length 150 mm. Cable length 2 metres.
TP474C.0: Contact probe, Pt100 sensor. Stem Ø 4mm, length 230mm, contact surface Ø 5mm. Cable length 2 metres.
TP475A.0: Air probe, Pt100 sensor. Stem Ø 4mm, length 230mm. Cable length 2 metres.
TP472I.5: Immersion probe, Pt100 sensor. Stem Ø 6mm, length 500 mm. Cable length 2 metres.
TP472I.10: Immersion probe, Pt100 sensor. Stem Ø 6mm, length 1000mm. Cable length 2 metres.
TP875: Globe thermometer Ø 150 mm with handle, complete with SICRAM module. Cable length 2 metres.
Temperature probes without SICRAM module
TP47.100: 4 wire direct Pt100 sensor immersion probe,. Probe’s stem Ø 3mm, length 230mm. Connection cable 4 wires with connector, length 2 metres.
TP47.1000: Pt1000 sensor immersion probe. Probe’s stem Ø 3mm, length 230mm. Connection cable 2 wires with connector, length 2 metres.
TP47: Only connector for probe connection: direct 4 wires Pt100 and 2 wires Pt1000.