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Nabalseventh Automation

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Nabalseventh Automation
Nabalseventh Automation
Info Perusahaan
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Nama:Tn. Augus Soedibyo [Pemasaran]
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BBM 2583734D
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Tanggal Bergabung:24 May. 2023
Terakhir Diperbarui:10 Feb. 2012
Sifat Dasar Usaha:Dagang, Jasa dari kategori Kebutuhan Industri

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We supply reliable automation and power Control products for industri. The company also involved in the services of any project in Oil & Gas Companies, Coal Mining and other industries such as industries of chemical, plastic, automotive, cements, and petrochemical plant are a few to mention here.

Founded on September 2002 and legally incorporated on 7th July 2005. The founder & CEO of Mitsubishi-Nabalseventh, possessed a philosophy in running the day-to-day business, namely Integrity, Smart-working and Courage to face the challanges.

Ever since 2005, the Company has grown solidly, able to exist and develop in times and conditions of ever changings. Customer Satisfaction is our main purpose that we want to achieve by providing application support for automation system, after sales service, and training on how to maximize the use of automation products.

website: http: / /
or E-mail: info@

Our products as below :
MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC Products: Nabalseventh
AC Servo Mitsubishi,
AC Variable Frequency Drives Mitsubishi,
Capacitors Mitsubishi,
Chip Capacitors Mitsubishi,
Circuit Breakers Mitsubishi,
Contactor, Magnetic Mitsubishi,
Diamondback Refrigeration Line Mitsubishi,
DiamondVent Ventilation Mitsubishi,
Digital Security Recorders Mitsubishi,
Gear Motors Mitsubishi,
Heating Mitsubishi,
Inverter Drive A/ C Mitsubishi,
Inverters Mitsubishi,
Limit Switch Mitsubishi,
Line Hide - Lineset Cover Syste Mitsubishi,
Logic Controllers Mitsubishi,
Magnetic Contactor Mitsubishi,
Motion Control Systems Mitsubishi,
Motor Controls Mitsubishi,
PlasmaPure Air Purifiers Mitsubishi,
PLC Mitsubishi Electric Automation,
Power Transistors Mitsubishi,
Programmable Logic Controller Mitsubishi,
Relays ( thermal overload) Mitsubishi,
Rheostat Motors Mitsubishi,
Rotary Sensors Mitsubishi,
Servo Motors ( aka Spindle) Mitsubishi,
Thermisters Mitsubishi,
Transceivers, Transponders Mitsubishi,
Triacs Mitsubishi,
Turbochargers Mitsubishi,
Uninterruptable Power Supplies Mitsubishi,
Variable Speed Controller Mitsubishi, and many...

Produk / Jasa Utama
    Magnetic Contactor Mitsubishi,
    Circuit Breakers Mitsubishi,
    AC Servo Mitsubishi,
    AC Variable Frequency Drives Mitsubishi,
    Capacitors Mitsubishi,
    Chip Capacitors Mitsubishi,
    Diamondback Refrigeration Line Mitsubishi,
    DiamondVent Ventilation Mitsubishi,
    Digital Security Recorders Mitsubishi,
    Gear Motors Mitsubishi,
    Heating Mitsubishi,
    Inverter Drive A/ C Mitsubishi,
    Inverters Mitsubishi,
    Limit Switch Mitsubishi,
    Line Hide - Lineset Cover Syste Mitsubishi,
    Logic Controllers Mitsubishi,
    Motion Control Systems Mitsubishi,
    Motor Controls Mitsubishi,
    PlasmaPure Air Purifiers Mitsubishi,
    PLC Mitsubishi Electric Automation,
    Power Transistors Mitsubishi,
    Programmable Logic Controller Mitsubishi,
    Relays (thermal overload) Mitsubishi,
    Rheostat Motors Mitsubishi,
    Rotary Sensors Mitsubishi,
    Servo Motors (aka Spindle) Mitsubishi,
    Thermisters Mitsubishi,
    Transceivers, Transponders Mitsubishi,
    Triacs Mitsubishi,
    Turbochargers Mitsubishi,
    Uninterruptable Power Supplies Mitsubishi,
    Variable Speed Controller Mitsubishi

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