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Tn. Harry
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Nomor Telpon:
Nomor telpon Tn. Harry di Bogor
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Nomor ponsel Tn. Harry di Bogor
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Nomor faks Tn. Harry di Bogor
Ruko Taman Yasmin Sektor VI, Jl. Ring Road Utara No. 134
Bogor 16113, Jawa Barat
Alamat Tervalidasi
+ 6221-37699537
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Katalog Produk

SM500 Portable ORP Meter , Hp: 081380328072, Email : k00011100@[9 Mar. 2011, 3:08:58]
HargaUSD 306
Jumlah Pesanan:
Kemas & PengirimanStandart
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Smart portable meters with no frills! Milwaukee’ s low cost durable meters for quick and reliable measurements.

Milwaukee’ s Smart meters are manufactured to be easy to use, practical and accurate. Ideal for the classroom, laboratory or for general field use.

SM500 performs ORP measurements with a range of ± 1000 mV. The meter is supplied with ORP electrode and calibration solutions.

Specifications :
- mV Range : ± 1000 mV
- mV Resolution : 1 mV
- mV Accuracy : ± 5 mV
- ORP Electrode : MA921B/ 1 ( included)
- Environment : 0 to 50° C / 32 to 122° F; max RH 95%
- Battery Type : 1 x 9V ( included)
- Battery Life : approx. 300 hours of continuous use
- Dimensions : 145 x 80 x 40 mm
- Weight : 220 g ( with battery)

Accessories :
MA921B/ 1 Platinum ORP electrode with 1 m cable
MA9015 Electrode storage solution, 230 ml bottle
MA9016 Electrode cleaning solution, 230 ml bottle
M10000B Electrode rinse solution, 20 ml sachet ( 25 pcs)
MA9020 200-275 mV ORP solution, 230 ml bottle
MA950 Portable meter wall fixing kit

Ordering Information
SM500 is supplied complete with a MA921B/ 1 platinum electrode, 9V battery and instructions.

Contact Us :
Mitra Guna Instrument
Lindeteves Trade Centre, Lt GF1 Blok A2 No.37
Jl. Hayam Wuruk 127 Glodok Jakarta
Telp : 021-37699537
Hp : 081380328072
Fax : 021-62320340
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