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HAndy Talky Icom IC V85 [ 28 Feb. 2011, 1:21:40 ]
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Handy Talky Icom IC V85
Compact body
While the IC-V85 provides a full 7 watts of output power, its 110mm* body height is compact enough to allow for easy carrying.
* 411? 32 in ( projections are not included)
7W of high output power

Let the power of 7 watts extend your communications range. With its large capacity Lithium-Ion battery pack, BP-227, the IC-V85/ E provides a practical 7 hours* of operating time. Reduced power ( 4W/ 0.5W) settings are also available for even longer operating time.
* Typical operation with Tx: Rx: standby= 1: 1: 8.
External DC power jack

An external DC power jack allows for operation when used with the external DC power supply ( 11.0V DC) .
Your IC-V85/ E receives and transmits as it charges.
Water resistant construction

The water resistant construction, equivalent to IPX4 rating, provides reliable operation in wet conditions for practical outdoor usage.
107 memory channels and 10 memory banks

Up to 107 memory channels can be stored. Use the 5-character display capabilities to assign your own individual channel names, then store those channels in any of the 10 memory banks. The DMS ( Dynamic Memory Scan) system allows you to scan selected memory banks by simply adding and deleting bank links.
Built-in CTCSS/ DTCS

Built-in CTCSS/ DTCS tone codes provide quiet stand-by and allows you to use tone-access repeaters.
The pocket beep alerts you when a matching tone frequency is received. The tone scan detects the tone frequency used in the received signal.
DTMF memory and optional DTMF decoder

16 DTMF memory channels with up to 24 DTMF codes enable you to perform remote control operation.
The optional DTMF decoder unit, UT-108, provides code squelch operation and pager function.
Other features

* Weather channel receive with weather alert*
* Automatic repeater function*
* Reversible control knob and up/ down button assignment
* PC cloning capability
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