Echosounder, Multi beam, Tide Gauge, Current Meter, Seba, OSS B1, Universal Current Meter, Flowatch, RTD, ( HP 0815 9935009) Oceanogprphic tools, Bathy-500 MF, SEBA-M1, thies clima, ketterer, alat meteoralogi, alat bmg,
Oceanographic Equipment : Valeport, Raytheon, hydrography, Environmental, Civil Engineering, Dredging, Ports and Harbours, Offshore Engineering, , Servey, Aquaculture, ROVs/ AUVs, Military : Sound Velocity, CTDs and Logger, Current Meters, Waves and Tydes, Echo Sounder, GPS, DGPS, RTK Solutions, Hydro Software Package, Fibre Optic Gyro, Portable/ Deep Water Echosounder and Swath System, Seismic Profiler, Side Scan Sonar, Magnetometer, CTDS, Tide Gauge, Current Meter, Acoustic Release and ADPC, Total Station, Selft Recording Current Meter, Digital Eco Sounder, Hydrotrac HT 100, Odom, CM2 Sidescan Sonar System, Positioning Data Link PDL, Nortek Vector Velocimeter, Vessel Mounted Current Profiler, Open Water Current Meter, Current Profile, Open Channel Flow meters, Geodetic Topographic Survey & Mapping, Site Hazard Investigations, Environmental Studies, Geophysical & Geotechnical, Positioning Services, River channel Survey, Tidal and Current Observation, GIS, Survey Data Processing, Sub-bottom profiler
Digital digital soil ph salinity and temperature meter, Takemura, eijkelkamp, delmhorst, protimeter, Lincoln, Kelway, fieldscout, ams, etc
HP 0815 9935009
Sell :
- DMS 680 Universal Length Measurement
- DG 25 Dial Indicator and Bore Gauge Testing
- PIN Gauge ET Series
- Ring Gauge
- Threaded Gauge
- Dynal Pull Off Tester
- Cannin Corrosion Analysing
- Profometer 5 Rebar Locator
- Tico Ultrasonic Instrument
- Resistivity Meter Ultrasonic Instrument
- Concrete Test Hammer
- Moisture Tester Mini Ligno
- Inclinotronic Precision and Linear Measurement
- Blue Mini Level
- Level Tronic NT 41
- Mini Level NT
- Anilam - Wizard 311 Digital Readouts
- Anilam Wizard 550
- Onosoki Tachometyer HT 3100 4200
- Kawatetsu Advantech Vibrometer
- Quanix 1200 Wet film thickness
- Quanix 4500, Quanix 1500, Quanix 8500,
- Dualscope MPOR
- Fisher MPOR-FP
- Dualscope MP20
- Isoscope MP30-Deltascope MP30
- Dualscope MP40E
- Nicklescope, thickness of nickle, zinc coating FI0000011
- Feritscope, ferrite content weld
- Mini Test coating thickness
- Microtest
- Galvanotest multi layer coating thickness gauge
- Quintscope
- Equotip 3
- Sonohard 21
- Equostat
- Equotip picolo
- Equopen hardness
- Parotester 2 hardness value
- Manometer and filter loss gauge
- Airflow LC 301
- Airflow T410
- Digital Barometer
- Telescopic Pitot static Tube
- Microrep
- Ultrasonic Thickness Gauge
- Dakota
- Fischerscpe x-ray Xan
- Porosity test using high voltage
- Proceq, Fischer, Quanix, Airflow, Eisen, Electrophysik, Kawatetsu.
Hydrology Equipment, Flume, Ambang Meteran Taraf, Thermometer air dan thermometer air raksa, Drainage seepage tank, sediment transport demonstration channel, jaringan pipa, ventury meter, hydraulic bench, osborn reynold apparatus, hydrology study system, water hammer, flume test, drainage & seepage tank.
Environmental Measuring Instruments, Dust indicator, Digital Dust Monitor, Particle Counter, Particle Mass Monitor, Attenuation Mass Monitor, Digital Dust Indicator, Personal Dust Sensor. Dust sampler, High Volume Air Sampler HVAS for Dust and Dioxin, Low Volume Air Sampler for Dust and Dioxin, Continuously sampling suspended sampler, Low Volume Air Sampler, Total and Respirable Dust Sampler, Stand Sampler, Auto Air Sampler, Personal Dust Sampler, Asbestor Dust Stand Sampler, ² -ray attenuation mass monitor,
Indoor pollution evaluating system, Airbone Bacteria Sampler, Wet Bulb Globe Temperature Index Instrument, Dust and soot concentration meter, Air suction paper, Low volume air sampler, High volume air sampler, Dioxin sampler, Airborne bacteria sampler, Organic gas collecting tube, Thermal anemometer, Illuminometer, UV meter, Water Test Kit, Mask Fitting Tester, Mask Tester, Food Tester, Test Paper for Coliform Group, Incubator for Bateria Test, Conway water Activity Test Apparatus, Test paper for General Bacteria, AV Tester for Frying Oil simple Pack AV, Nitrile Test Paper,
Echosounder, Multi beam, Tide Gauge, Current Meter, Seba, OSS B1, Universal Current Meter, Flowatch, RTD, ( HP 0815 9935009) Oceanogprphic tools, Bathy-500 MF, SEBA-M1, thies clima, ketterer, alat meteoralogi, alat bmg,
Contact Information :
PD. Karya Mitra Usaha
Jonny Sinaga
HP 0815 9935009
HP 0813 83 190 190
Supply High Performance Product and Providing Quality Services.
Company Name : PD. Karya Mitra Usaha
Company Address :
Ruko Taman Yasmin Ring Road Utara No 114
Bogor- Jawa Barat - Indonesia, 16112
Telp.+ 62-251-7543316, + 62-21-70748483
Fax.+ 62-251-7543281
e-mail : karyamitrausaha@