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INTERNUSA heater,  Thermocouple Sensors,  Furnace,  Boiler,  Contact : 0811371090,  031- 8952248 - BB : 7D2B0566 LAYANAN NONSTOP 24 JAM
INTERNUSA heater, Thermocouple Sensors, Furnace, Boiler, Contact : 0811371090, 031- 8952248 - BB : 7D2B0566 LAYANAN NONSTOP 24 JAM
Internusa Heater : manufacturer of industrial heater and Thermocouple sensors
Informasi Kontak
Tn. Giyanto Sukardi
Pesan Instan:

WhatsApp: 087854500999 087854500999
LINE: 087854500999 087854500999
Nomor Telpon:
Nomor telpon Tn. Giyanto Sukardi di Sidoarjo
Nomor Ponsel:
Nomor ponsel Tn. Giyanto Sukardi di Sidoarjo
Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur
Alamat Tervalidasi
Rata-rata Tinjauan Pemakai

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Bahasa :
Memproduksi heating element dan Thermocouple Sensors, Panel controls, furnace, oven, incenerator, Boiler/ Boiler Listrik, Panel Distribusi, Panel Controls Digital Automatic.
Internusa heater telah lama menjadi produsen heating element dan thermocouple sensor, furnace, oven, digital panel control, dan telah banyak dipakai diberbagai industri di tanah air. Bahkan produk Internusa pernah menjadi suatu bagian dari produk barang jadi yang di eksport ke berbagai negara.
Beraneka ragam industri telah menggunakan produk dari internusa heaters : Hotel, industri kimia, pabrik kertas, pabrik peralatan mobil, Industri makanan, Industri obat, laboratorium, Pembangkit Listrik, Industri baja, pabrik semen, pabrik pupuk, produsen gas, Pabrik Gula, Cold Storage, Rumah Sakit, Restoran, Perkapalan, Peleburan, dlsb.

Heating Element & Sensor Produk Internusa
1. Immersion Heater Flange and Screw model
2. Tubular Heater, Tubular Fin Heater
3. Cartridge Heater all size and power
4. Infrafara Heater, Infrared Heater
5. Band Heater, Strip Heater, Nozzle Heater, Ceramic Band Heater
6. Bobin Heater ( Ceramic Material)
7. Cold Storage Heater
8. Sauna Heater
9. Bolt Heater ( Spesial untuk kebutuhan Turbin Pembangkit)
10. Thermocouple Bayonet
11. Thermocouple Type K, J, R, B, S, T
12. Thermocouple Type PT 1000, PT 100, PT 50
13. Panel Control, Panel Distribusi, Automatic Panel Control
14. Boiler, Incenerator, Oven, Furnace, Tempering Machine
15. Service all type Machine Heater

As specialists in the science and manufacture of electric heat products, Internusa serves an array of national customers. A team approach and commitment to Total Quality, combined with encouraged customer interaction, fosters a unique and effective environment for concept development, prototype design and testing, and manufacture of top-quality products.Types of heaters we manufacture are bolt heaters, cartridge, flanged immersion, fluid & air circulation, Band Heaters, infrafara Heaters, replaceable element, screw plug immersion, space, tubular & finned element & tubular strip, Thermocouple sensors PT 100, 500, 1000, K, B, S, CA, T etc.
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