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PT Harya Pertiwi Raya

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PT Harya Pertiwi Raya
PT Harya Pertiwi Raya
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PT Harya Pertiwi Raya

PT Harya Pertiwi Raya was founded in the beggining of 2005 by pool of professional that believe in giving contribution to the well being of Indonesia economic revival but also create employment to the local. Nevertheless, those shrewd business entrepreneurs, obviously believe also in making profits to Harya' s share holder.
Though relative young in the business, Harya then by sheer hard work and professionalism developed by the founder has made a break throughnin developing the company into the aviation lucrative business venture.

Our Product & Services
Through the Aviation Business industry Harya has received acknowledgement from our most valuable customer that is PT Pos Indonesia for the delivery of Mail - Cargo. High quality and on time performance services has been our aim and result of being appointed as " General Selling Agent " ( GSA) by one of the most prominent airline company in the world that is KLM Royal Dutch and transform PT Pos Indonesia in the delivery quality services of their Express Mail Service to the world.

Just recently, Harya has been appointed by PT Arbe Chemindo to become one of their VAR ( Value Added Remarketeer) for their products such as Carboxymethyl Cellulose ( CMC) and Polyanionic Cellulose ( PAC) .

Exodium Technology Privete Limited based on Singapore has appointed Harya for the territory of Indonesia for the Multi Media Produc ( Outdoor anf indoor advertising, Architectural Lighting, Event and Festival Enhancement, Theme Parks, Theater and stage)
Our total services to the business community currently consist of several segment such as :
1. Mail Cargo & Dangerous Good Services
2. Trading & Supplier for all office & warehousing products
3. Website CCTV Products
4. Cementing for the Oil & Gas Drilling Industries
5. Exodium - Multimedia Product
6. Export - Import
7. Surveillence System - Multilateration System ( Radar)

Human Resources
Harya Turn Over Employment is very low due to our management vision and commitment in enhancing our human resources constantly when is required to do so.
Harya management fully understand the greatest value of the company assets is our employee. Harya Employee consists of majority University Graduate, almost 60% of its total work force. We, continuously develop them trough a systematic training program based on skills required by the company. Outbound program is one of our training to create a healthy atmosphere, fair competition and increasing employee cnfidence in meeting challenges and maturity in making decision. ( For more Information pls call us : Ponty Arsitania 62--811-951977, 62-21-70803106)

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