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Gabe Sukses Instrument
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    DWYER Series DH3 Digihelicï ¿ ½ Differential Pressure Controller, Hubungi Andikah - 021-94684269 - 082110029669 - Email gabesukses@

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    DWYER Series DH3 Digihelicï ¿ ½ Differential Pressure Controller

    The Series DH3 Digihelicï ¿ ½ Differential Pressure Controller is a 3 in 1 instrument possessing a digital display gage, control relay switches, and a transmitter with current output all packed in the popular Photohelicï ¿ ½ gage style housing. Combining these 3 features allows the reduction of several instruments with one product, saving inventory, installation time and money. The Digihelicï ¿ ½ controller is the ideal instrument for pressure, velocity and flow applications, achieving a 1% full scale accuracy on ranges down to the extremely low 0.25" w.c. to 2.5" w.c. full scale. Ranges of 5" w.c. and greater maintain 0.5% F.S. accuracy. Bi-directional ranges are also available.

    The Series DH3 Digihelicï ¿ ½ controller allows the selection of pressure, velocity or volumetric flow operation in several commonly used engineering units. 2 SPDT control relays with adjustable deadbands are provided along with a scalable 4-20 mA process output.

    Programming is easy using the menu key to access 5 simplified menus which provide access to: security level; selection of pressure, velocity or flow operation; selection of engineering units; K-factor for use with flow sensors; rectangular or circular duct for inputting area in flow applications; set point control or set point and alarm operation; alarm operation as a high, low or high/ low alarm; automatic or manual alarm reset; alarm delay; view peak and valley process reading; digital damping for smoothing erratic process applications; scaling the 4-20 mA process output to fit your applications range and field calibration.

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