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    DWYER Series DM-2000 Differential Pressure Transmitter,  Hubungi Andikah - 021-94684269 - 082110029669 - Email gabesukses@

    DWYER Series DM-2000 Differential Pressure Transmitter, Hubungi Andikah - 021-94684269 - 082110029669 - Email gabesukses@

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    DWYER Series DM-2000 Differential Pressure Transmitter

    The Dwyer Series DM-2000 Differential Pressure Transmitter senses the pressure of air and compatible gases and sends a standard 4-20 mA output signal. The DM-2000 housing is specifically designed to mount in the same diameter cutout as a standard Magnehelicï ¿ ½ gage. A wide range of models are available factory calibrated to specific ranges.

    Pressure connections are inherent to the glass filled plastic molded housing making installation quick and easy. Digital push-button zero and span simplify calibration over typical turn-potentiometers. An optional 3.5 digit LCD shows process and engineering units. A single bush button allows field selection of 4 to 6 engineering units depending on range on LCD models.

    Series DM-2000
    Differential Pressure Transmitter
    Same Size as Standard Magnehelicï ¿ ½ Differential Pressure Gage

    DM-2001-LCD Differential pressure transmitter, range .100" w.c., 24.9 Pa, 2.54 mm w.c., .249 mbar, with LCD.
    DM-2002-LCD Differential pressure transmitter, range .250" w.c., 62.2 Pa, 6.35 mm w.c., .622 mbar.
    DM-2003-LCD Differential pressure transmitter, range .500" w.c., 124.3 Pa, 12.70 mm w.c., 1.243 mbar, .124 kPa.
    DM-2004-LCD Differential pressure transmitter, range 1.00" w.c., 249 Pa, 25.4 mm w.c., 2.49 mbar, .249 kPa.
    DM-2005-LCD Differential pressure transmitter, range 2.00" w.c., 497 Pa, 50.8 mm w.c., 4.97 mbar, .497 kPa
    DM-2006-LCD Differential pressure transmitter, range 3.00" w.c., 746 Pa, 76.2 mm w.c., 7.46 mbar, .746 kPa, .108 psi.
    DM-2007-LCD Differential pressure transmitter, range 5.00" w.c., 1243 Pa, 127.0 mm w.c., 12.43 mbar, 1.243 kPa, .180 psi.
    DM-2012-LCD Differential pressure transmitter, range .250-0-.250" w.c., 62.2-0-62.2 Pa, 6.35-0-6.35 mm w.c., .622-0-.622 mbar.
    DM-2013-LCD Differential pressure transmitter, range .500-0-.500" w.c., 124.3-0-124.3 Pa, 12.70-0-12.70 mm w.c., 1.243-0-1.243 mbar.
    DM-2019-LCD Differential pressure transmitter, range .05-.200" w.c., 49.8 Pa, 5.08 mm w.c., 498 mbar

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