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Efsun Solar Ltd.

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Efsun Solar Ltd.
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Efsun Solar Ltd.

EFSUN SOLAR has been established by Mr. E. HERDEM, Mr. A. KAPIKIRAN and Mr. H. DURDU who has been leading the heating and cooling sector since 1982, besides have had his signuture under several inventions like the first package sistem in southern Turkey and built the firts solar collector factory in the region.They have built up the Efsun in Antalya Organized Industrial Zone in 2003.

Efsun Solar is the first one to import an ultrasonic welding machine in the Antalya district and the first one to export thermal solar collectors.Because we are the only one in Antalya, TURKEY who has the up to day tecnology and necesery sertificates to do so. Efsun has built high efficiency selective coated coper collectors for thermal solar sistems and proved that it is possible to get hot water by using the right collector.

After a few years Efsun has became a brand of quality and trust with it' s trustworthy management and well made products.Efsun Solar has documented the quality of it' s thermal solar collectors with TSE and ITW certificates and proved to be a eco-frienly company by getting the Blue Angel certificate which shows that every metarial that we use to built our thermal solar collectors can be recycled.

We have doubled our capacity of production every year since 2003 and continue to grove to meet the demands of domestic and international buyers.

Our gool is to keep on producing nature friendly products to stop the global warming for the future of the Earth where is a home to everyone of us.


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