Dragosend Apparel Merchandise

Tanggal Bergabung:
25 Jun. 2024 - Terakhir Diperbarui: 1 Jul. 2015
Sifat Dasar Usaha
Dagang dari kategori Pakaian & Mode

Penjelasan Ringkas

Was originally founded by Erwan Fajari in August 2014. DRAGOSEND is a specializing bikers brand apparel and merchandise with high quality.
DRAGOSEND means DRAG a money for down payment from customer, GO to cargo for shipment the product and SEND the product to all customer.
Stock online and the product are limited edition, two dozen one design of one month. Supporting organizations like vespa club, independent bikers, MOODS, Rockers, Brotherhood, etc.
Respect to All Bikers with Attitude
Made in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia.