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Bohra Developers

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Bohra Developers
Bohra Developers
Info Perusahaan
Kontak Perusahaan
Nama:Nn. Bohra Developers
E-mail:Kirim Pesan
Nomor Ponsel:Nomor ponsel Nn. Bohra Developers di Karachi
Nomor Telpon:Nomor telpon Nn. Bohra Developers di Karachi
Alamat:Karachi, Karachi
Rata-rata Tinjauan PemakaiTidak ada ulasan untuk perusahaan ini - Menulis tinjauan
Tanggal Bergabung:25 Jun. 2024
Terakhir Diperbarui:19 Nov. 2015
Sifat Dasar Usaha:Jasa dari kategori Komputer & Software

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BohraDevelopers .com was formed in 1999 with a vision to excel in technologies and be pioneers in bringing new trends in e-attitude amongst the business practices of the region. In the past few years, the company has upgraded not only as an infrastructure but as a team of e-artists and e-ngineers. started operations from Karachi. Known as Designers, the company has now strong footings in Microsoft .Net Technologies, multiple databases, client server applications, Linux based PHP/ MySQL couple, content management especially online magazine management.

In vertical industrial zones BohraDevelopers has list of successful eCommerce clients, Job-portals, School Management Systems and Retail Management Software. Starters in software business always make accounting Applications so BohraDevelopers do have an accounting application backed by accountants to address both computerized and non-computerized technical taxation problems.

The business domain covered by rotates around the following dimensions.

Web Designing
Web Development
Software Development
Our idea is to change the way traditional business works by moving client transactions and communication to the Internet, affecting savings and efficiency for almost any business. We pride ourselves on developing intuitive, creative and high quality Internet business applications in a timely and efficient manner. The key to competitive marketing is to be able to successfully communicate with the rest of the world, and at BD, we offer to promote your business or personal interests in several different languages.

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