Tanggal Bergabung: 25 Jun. 2024 Terakhir Diperbarui: 1 Oct. 2015
Sifat Dasar Usaha: Pabrikan dari kategori Tekstil & Kulit
Penjelasan Ringkas
Batik Urang is a manufacturer, exporter, producer and retailer Indonesian batik contemporary and batik art, Based in Cirebon, West Java, Indonesia.
We are the nation' s capital of Indonesian arts, Our market is to USA, Europe, Japan, Netherland and Midle East. We are commited to keep upgrading ourseves, Learn from the market trend. Serve our customers or buyers well and keep our price competitive while offering high value products to maximize customerâ € ™ s satisfaction. Our goal is to design and develop our product variety to meet demands with upgraded technology and update material. While Still in line with global issues of environmental & health.