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CV. Arif Sanjaya

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CV. Arif Sanjaya
Info Perusahaan
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Nama:Tn. Haris Sanjaya
E-mail:Kirim Pesan
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WhatsApp: +6281269755135 +6281269755135
LINE: +6281269755135 +6281269755135
WeChat: hariz_sanjaya hariz_sanjaya
Viber: +6281269755135 +6281269755135
Nomor Ponsel:Nomor ponsel Tn. Haris Sanjaya di Medan
Nomor Telpon:Nomor telpon Tn. Haris Sanjaya di Medan
Alamat:Medan, Sumatera Utara
Rata-rata Tinjauan PemakaiTidak ada ulasan untuk perusahaan ini - Menulis tinjauan
Tanggal Bergabung:25 Jun. 2024
Terakhir Diperbarui:10 Dec. 2014
Sifat Dasar Usaha:Dagang dari kategori Agraris

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Palm bunch ash - organic potash

Palm Bunch Ash is a good source of organic potash. Potassium ( K) also known as Potash, is necessary for the plants as it helps in the building of protein, photosynthesis, fruit quality and reduction of diseases. Sweetness measured by the sugars is dependent upon K. Potassium helps increase stalk strength and strong buds.

Potassium is supplied to plants by soil minerals, organic materials, and fertilizer.

A palm oil plantation yields huge amount of biomass wastes in the form of empty fruit bunches. Palm bunch ash is obtained from
the empty fruit bunches which is going through the incineration process to produce the high quality organic potash fertilizer. Palm bunch ash is very suitable for neutralising acidic soil. This potash is an invaluable component in the formation of compound fertilizer.

Our product specification for palm bunch ash is as below:

Packaging: 25Kgs new pp woven bags with Inner Plastic ( packaging can be customized)
- Quantity: 1x20fcl = 20mt
- Specification:

Total K2O = 35% Min
Water Soluble K2O = 32% Min
Moisture = 10% max
Mesh Size 6mm = 100% Passing
- Capacity: 800mt / month

We have exported our Palm bunch ash to Japan, Taiwan, Malaysia, New Zealand, Australia and Korea. Physical visit to our factory is always welcome.

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