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CV.ANUGRAH SENTOSArepresent our corporate name which stand up since year 1998 [ in] countryside of wonokromo, pleret, Bantul, Jogyakarta. And have to justication remain to [ LIMITED PARTNER, CV] , with journey route if/ when [ in] going through from new statsiun [ of] mother of pearl gyrate [ hour/ clock] a quarter with publik transport going to kings mausoleum of mataram band or to imogiri/ grill with distance 3 km of mother of pearl statsiun. This area represent [ crafting/ diligence] sentra either from wood, cane, silver, batik, husk and also cockle / puppets. Wonokromo Handycraft( Wh) producing various special goods [ of] made from wood and early forming of making furniture miniature and peripheral of household, hence one year later; then WH make multifariously [ of] wood karpet with various form and motif, and also wood fossil mosaic, wood batik, candle-stick, and also other [ crafting/ diligence] according to order.
While for the capacities of production attached [ at] standard karpet 1500m2 / months of the size lbr cip 1, 4cm tbl x 0, 8mili pjg x 2, 4cm while for the cip of other form like diameter coin cip 2cm, box cip 4cm x4cm, parallelogram 2, 3cm x 3cm is, square [ of] length, oval, cip 1, 5cm x 1, 5cm, capacities stik attached [ by] 750m2 / months. We accept order in bulk and also small by lump-sum payment and also of DP minimum 30% from amount of goods which [ in] message and better again by progressive [ so that/ to be] production process earn more well established and time which [ in] determining [ all] buyer more precise and quickly.
To be more continue to earn you direct contact via phone ( 0274) 7865334/ 9256868 / 081328784611/ 0811269852( and enamel: anugrah_sentosa@

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