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PT. ANUGRAH NIAGA MANDIRI ( Specialist In General Laboratory,  Scientific Equipment,  Laboratory Chemical,  Laboratory Glasswares)
PT. ANUGRAH NIAGA MANDIRI ( Specialist In General Laboratory, Scientific Equipment, Laboratory Chemical, Laboratory Glasswares)
PT. ANUGRAH NIAGA MANDIRI ( Specialist In General Laboratory,  Scientific Equipment,  Laboratory Chemical,  Laboratory Glasswares)

Data Acquisition

Data AcquisitionDistributor, agent, store and suplier bahan-bahan
kimia,dan alat-alat laboratorium.

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Mini DataNet Supported by the DataNet wireless ZigBee network

Harga : Bersaing

The Mini DataNet, a single and dual channel data monitoring system, reduces potentially redundant costs of the four-channel monitoring system..

* Dual channel internal....
MicroLite The Plug and Record Mini Logger

Harga : Bersaing

MicroLite The Plug and Logger Record Mini:

Estetika dan inovatif, MicroLite adalah logger data kecil untuk memantau dan merekam temperatur. MicroLite adalah yang paling plug....
MicroLite The Plug and Record Mini Logger

Harga : Bersaing

MicroLite The Plug and Logger Record Mini:
Estetika dan inovatif, MicroLite adalah logger data kecil untuk memantau dan merekam temperatur. MicroLite adalah yang paling plug dan....
MicroLog Compact Data Logger

Harga : Bersaing

MicroLog Compact Data Logger:

Dua model data logger yang tersedia:
- Internal Suhu sensor ditambah satu input sensor eksternal
- Internal Kelembaban dan Suhu sensor....
DaqPRO"  All in one solution for data logging and analysis

Harga : Bersaing

The DaqPRO" is a portable, battery operated data acquisition and logging system offering 16-bits, high-resolution, 8 channel data logging. The DaqPRO" features powerful graphical....
DataNet Software

Harga : Bersaing

DataNet perangkat lunak menyediakan keamanan untuk produk Anda dengan pemantauan online dan kontrol:

* Grafis analisis perangkat lunak berbasis Windows

* Cepat data....
MicroLite The Plug and Record Mini Logger

Harga : Bersaing

Aesthetic and innovative, MicroLite is a small data logger for monitoring and recording temperature. MicroLite is the ultimate plug and record data logger. Despite the compact....
MicroLog Compact Data Logger

Harga : Bersaing

MicroLog Compact Data Logger:
Dua model data logger yang tersedia:
- Internal Suhu sensor ditambah satu input sensor eksternal
- Internal Kelembaban dan Suhu sensor ditambah....
DaqPRO" All in one solution for data logging and analysis

Harga : Bersaing

The DaqPRO" is a portable, battery operated data acquisition and logging system offering 16-bits, high-resolution, 8 channel data logging. The DaqPRO" features powerful graphical....
DaqPRO" All in one solution for data logging and analysis

Harga : Bersaing

The DaqPRO" is a portable, battery operated data acquisition and logging system offering 16-bits, high-resolution, 8 channel data logging. The DaqPRO" features powerful graphical....