METERAN LASER LEICA DISTO D5[26 Jan. 2012, 10:50:01]
Meteran Laser Disto D5 merupakan pengukuran jarak horisontal menggunakan sensor kemiringan. Alat ini tidak ada masalah untuk menentukan jarak meski fungsinya trapesium. Dengan fungsi sederhana dan cepat dalam pengukuran kemiringan atap dan fasad daerah. Tersedia informasi tampilan pengukuran rinci pada sentuhan tombol, misalnya sudut informasi.
* Features :
- Measuring range of 0.05 up to 200 m ( 0.16 ft up to 650 ft)
- Typical accuracy + - 1.0 mm ( + - 0.04 in)
- Precise, quick and reliable measurements
- Digital Point-finder with 4x zoom and high resolution color display
- Convenient measuring to distant objects, even in strong sunlight
* Power Range Technology :
- Measure long distances, up to 100 m without and 200 m with a target plate
- Tilt sensor
- Measure vertical angles up to 45° at the touch of a button
- Horizontal distance measurement using the tilt sensor
- Trapezium function
- Simple and quick measurement of roof slopes and facade areas
- Pythagorean functions
- Indirect height and width measurements at inaccessible positions
- Detailed display
- Additional measurement information available at a touch of a button, e.g. angle information
Untuk informasi Merk, Tipe, Spesifikasi dan harga nego segera hubungi kami :
Contact Person : Dedy Satria
Mobile : 087771219055
Fax : ( 021) 39842779
Email : dedy_satria85@