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DIGITAL LUX METER MODEL PCE EM-882 4in1[26 Jan. 2012, 9:11:56]
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Alat ukur cahaya ( lux meter) adalah alat yang digunakan untuk mengukur besarnya intensitas cahaya di suatu tempat. Besarnya intensitas cahaya ini perlu untuk diketahui karena pada dasarnya manusia juga memerlukan penerangan yang cukup. Untuk mengetahui besarnya intensitas cahaya ini maka diperlukan sebuah sensor yang cukup peka dan linier terhadap cahaya. Sehingga cahaya yang diterima oleh sensor dapat diukur dan ditampilkan pada sebuah tampilan digital.

Untuk Digital Lux Meter PCE EM-882 merupakan produk yang lengkap karena terdapat 4 pengukuran sekaligus, yaitu untuk pengukuran cahaya, suara, kelembaban dan temperatur.

Technical Data :

- The 4 in 1 multi-function lux meter is especially suited to educational settings and can also be used in both a professional setting or at home.
* Sound level meter
* Light meter
* Humidity meter
* Temperature
- The 4 in 1 multi-function lux meter includes sound sensor,
light sensor, temperature sensor and relative humidity.
- The 4 in 1 multi-function lux meter combines a noise analyser, a light meter, a thermometer and a relative humidity.
- The lux meter is especially suited to educational settings with the aim of measuring all 4 parameters and can also be used in both a professional setting or at home.
- The lux meter with all its sensors, comes in a light carrying case and is both easy and quick to use.
- Test environmental conditions directly.
* 17mm LCD display with 4 digits
* Hold function
* Auto OFF to conserve battery power
* Battery power inidcator
* ABS enclosure
* Ships with a noise sensor, light sensor, tempurature sensor, humidity sensor, microphone windscreen, a 9V battery and user' s manual in a solid case.

Note: the lux meter is for taking orientative measurements.If you wish to take high precision measurements, then you should choose a specific measuring instrument that corresponds to the specific parameters.

Technical specifications :
* Sound Level Meter
- Range A/ C Lo ( low) 35 to 100 dB
A/ C Hi ( high) 65 to 130 dB
- Resolution 0.1 dB
- Frequency range 30 Hz to 10 kHz
- Frequency weighting A and C
- Response time quick
- Accuracy ± 3.5 dB
at 94 dB sound level, 1kHz sine wave
- Microphone Electric condenser microphone
- Accuracy ± 3% to standard JISdB( A)
* Light Meter
- Range 20 / 200 / 2.000 / 20.000 lux. ( 20.000 lux range reading x 10)
- Over-range highest digit of " 1" is displayed
( user adjustable range)
- Accuracy ± 5% of the reading + 2 digits
- Repeatability ± 2%
- Temperature characteristic ± 0.1% / ° C
- Sensor silicon photodiode with filter
* Humidity Meter
- Range 25 to 95% r.h.
- Resolution 0.1%
- Accuracy ± 5%
- Temperature
Range -20 to + 200 ° C / -20 to + 750 ° C
- Resolution 0.1° C / 1° C
- Accuracy
± 3% reading ± 2° C( -20 to + 200° C)
± 3.5% reading ± 2° C ( -20 to + 750° C)

General details :
- Display 17mm LCD with 4 digits ( maximum indicator: 1999)
- Display symbols lux, x10lux, ° C, ° F, % H.r.,
dB, A+ dB, C+ dB, Lo+ dB, Hi+ dB,
- Over-range only shows " 1" on the display
- Rate of measurement approx. 1.5 times a second
- Temperature for data accuracy 23 ° C ± 5° C
- Operating conditions 0 to + 40° C
- Storage temperature -10 to + 60° C
- Power 1 - 9V battery ( PP3)
- Dimensions of the device 251 x 64 x 40 mm
- Dimensions of the light sensor 115 x 60 x 27 mm
- Weight 250 g

Contents PCE-EM882 multi-function lux meter with ;
- sound sensor,
- light sensor,
- tempurature sensor
- humidity sensor,
- a microphone protector,
- a 9V battery,
- a carrying case
- user' s manual

Untuk informasi Merk, Tipe, Spesifikasi dan harga nego segera hubungi kami :
Contact Person : Dedy Satria
Mobile : 087771219055
Fax : ( 021) 39842779
Email : dedy_satria85@
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