SOUND LEVEL METER PCE 353LEQ[26 Jan. 2012, 10:01:47]
Kebisingan adalah bunyi atau suara yang tidak dikehendaki dan dapat mengganggu kesehatan dan kenyamanan lingkungan yang dinyatakan dalam satuan desibel ( dB) .
Umumnya sumber kebisingan dapat berasal dari kegiatan industri, perdagangan, pembangunan, alat pembangkit tenaga, alat pengangkut dan kegiatan rumah tangga.
Untuk mengetahui intensitas kebisingan di lingkungan kerja digunakan alat yang disebut Sound Level Meter. Salah satu alat untuk mengukur kebisingan adalah Merk PCE.
PCE 353 is the possibility to measure the level of continuous acoustic pressure ( LEQ) , this sound level meter is suitable for making checks in workplaces, of machines, etc.
It has an analogue output that makes it possible to record the values in external places ( p.e. for CE certification according to the guidelines for machines) .
Stored data can be easily transferred to a PC via the RS-232
interface and analyzed using the software ( English) and a cable provided.
⢠According to 89/ 393/ EWG ( for machines)
⢠SPL, Leq, Lmax, Lmin
⢠Datalogging function records up to 32, 000 records
⢠Interface to transfer data to a PC
⢠Software for data trasfer and assessment
⢠Min / Max functions
⢠Bar graph indication ( 4 dB)
⢠A and C frequency weighting
⢠Frequency range from 31.5 Hz to 8 kHz
⢠Impulse, fast and slow time weighting
⢠1/ 2â Electret microphone
⢠ISO calibration certificate ( optional)
Technical specifications :
- Measurement range 30 to 130 dB in 5 ranges
- Resolution 0.1 dB
- Accuracy ± 1.5 dB
- Updating every 0.5 seconds
- Frequency 31.5 Hz to 8 kHz
- MIN / MAX functions yes
- LEQ yes, automatic
- Memory 32, 000 readings
- Outputs digital ( RS-232) and analogue
- Software yes, in English
- Frequency weighting A & C
- Indicator LCD ( 35 mm) with analogue bar graph
- Operating conditions 0 to + 40 ° C
Untuk informasi Merk, Tipe, Spesifikasi dan harga nego segera hubungi kami :
Contact Person : Dedy Satria
Mobile : 087771219055
Fax : ( 021) 39842779
Email : dedy_satria85@