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Digital Theodolite * CV. Media Teknologi * Total Station, Automatic Level / Waterpass, GPS Garmin, GPS Trimble, GPS Magellan, Kompas Brunton, Kompas Suunto, Handy Talky

Anggota Gratis
Digital Theodolite * CV. Media Teknologi * Total Station,  Automatic Level / Waterpass,  GPS Garmin,  GPS Trimble,  GPS Magellan,  Kompas Brunton,  Kompas Suunto,  Handy Talky
Digital Theodolite * CV. Media Teknologi * Total Station, Automatic Level / Waterpass, GPS Garmin, GPS Trimble, GPS Magellan, Kompas Brunton, Kompas Suunto, Handy Talky
  • Jual

    Total Station Nikon DTM-352

    Total Station Nikon DTM-352

    Jumlah Pesanan:
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    Cara Pembayaran:
    Transfer Bank (T/T), Tunai
    Ready Stock
    Kemas & Pengiriman:
    DTM models have a 1.4-second initial measurement and 1.0-second updates in normal mode. These models are also extremely precise, with accuracy of ± ( 3+ 2 ppm x D) mm in precise mode. And they feature advanced software to ensure fast, accurate measurements whether you use reflector sheets or glass prisms. 5" Angle Accuracy Dual Axis Compensator Dual Sided Graphic LCD Display Internal Memory of 10000 records.

    Total Station NIKON DTM-352
    - Pembacaan Sudut : 1 â / 5 "
    - Ketelitian Jarak : ± -( 3mm+ 3ppmxD)
    - Pembesaran Lensa : 33x
    - Ketelitian sudut : 5 â
    - Internal Memory : 10.000 Points
    - Display : 2 Muka
    - Jarak ukur 1 Prisma : 2.300 M
    - Jarak ukur 3 Prisma : 3.000 M

    Complete with :
    2 x Aluminium Tripod
    1 x Prisma Polygon
    1 x Range Pole
    1 x Single Prism
    1 x Cable Data
    1 x Software Data

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