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    Automatic Level / Waterpass Sokkia C-330

    20 Jan. 2012, 21:38:32

    Automatic Level / Waterpass Sokkia C-330
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    Sokkia C-330 Automatic Level/ Waterpass

    - Pembesaran Lensa : 22x
    - Ketelitian : 2.0 mm
    - Minimun Focus : 0.3 M

    C330 ( 22x , 2.0 mm/ km)

    Fast, Easy-to-Use and Accurate Levels, Suited for Both Indoor and Outdoor Use.

    Offering you the best of Sokkia' s renowned levelling technology, the C300, C310, C320 and C330 automatic levels are compact, solid, fast and very user-friendly. For a start, setting up the levels can be done fast and quickly and sighting is just as simple.

    Moreover, the C3 series automatic levels guarantee superior performance regardless of weather conditions. Apart from being immune to vibration, shock and other environmental conditions, the C3 models are fully resistant to rain and accidental dousing. Even in sudden weather changes you won' t be disturbed by fogging of the instrument - you' re left to concentrate on the job.

    Thanks to this solid, water and shock proof design, the C3 levels are just as well suited for outdoor use as for indoor use.
    All C3 models meet JIS grade 4 specification for waterproofing ( this complies with International Electrotechnical Commission Standard, Class IPX4)

    - Reliable Automatic Compensator
    - Quick and easy set-up
    - Convenient Horizontal Angle measurement
    - Precise collimation
    - Easy to adjus

    Kenalkan ke teman Anda Masukan ke Produk Rekanan
    Kontak Perusahaan
    Tn. Reikhansyah Abyan [Karyawan]
    Jl. Raya Ciledug, Taman Shangrilla Unit 1 No. 94 Petukangan Selatan
    Jakarta - Selatan 12270, Jakarta
    Alamat Tervalidasi
    Situs Web:
    Nomor Telpon:
    Nomor telpon Tn. Reikhansyah Abyan di Jakarta - Selatan
    Nomor Ponsel:
    Nomor ponsel Tn. Reikhansyah Abyan di Jakarta - Selatan
    Nomor Faks:
    Nomor faks Tn. Reikhansyah Abyan di Jakarta - Selatan
    Y!: reikhansyah_gps99 

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