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Pusat Alat Peraga Terlengkap ( dari TK, SD, SMP, SMU, Politeknik, Universitas dan Umum)
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Tn. Syafei Ibu [Pemasaran]


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Optics Kit for High School ( APFU-03 )[27 May. 2009, 4:16:46]
Jumlah Pesanan:
Cara PembayaranTransfer Bank (T/T)
Kemas & Pengirimanbox
Negara AsalIndonesia


Contents of optics experiment for senior high school

* Reflection of light
* Reflection of light on a curved surface
* Reflection of light on plan-parallel surface
* Reflection of light on prisms
* Image by lens
* Image by a convex lens
* Object distance, image distance, and focal length
* Dispersion light
* Astronomical telescope
* Diffraction at a grid
* Polarisation with filters
* Rotation of polarization plane with a sugar solution
* Galilean telescope
* The slide projector
* Short-sightedness and its correction
* Long-sightedness and its correction
* Detective accommodation in old age and its correction
* Optica illusion
* The camera

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