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Anggota SMS SMS IndotradeTahun ke-16
Pusat Alat Peraga Terlengkap ( dari TK, SD, SMP, SMU, Politeknik, Universitas dan Umum)
Pusat Alat Peraga Terlengkap ( dari TK,  SD,  SMP,  SMU,  Politeknik,  Universitas dan Umum)
Rata-rata Tinjauan Pemakai

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Complete Viewer Tool Center ( from kindergarten, elementary, junior high school, vocational school, POLYTECHNIC, until UNIVERSITY)

Sell Various:
1. Microscope
2. Globe
3. Map
4. Mathematics Kit
5. Electrical kit
6. Optical Kit
7. Kit thermodynamics waves
8. labor language
9. torso/ framework/ framework/ bone
10. Mikroslaid / preparations
11. Lab Equipment / tools labor
12. Magnets
13. Lens convex / concave / bikonkaf /
14. Bikonveks
15. Balance
16. Solar system
17. Chemicals
19. Kit ipa sd, smp, sma
20. Physics kit Kit ips smp, sma
21. Chemical Kit
22. Carta / educational poster
23. Beaker
24. Erlenmeyer pumpkin / squash
25. Petri dish
26. DAK, blokgrant

Chemistry laboratory apparatus
GelasKimia, Bottles, Laboratory, Erlenmeyer, Lens, Bikonkaf, Life, engines, Petrol, Engine, Training, Car, Diesel, Training, Diesel, Engine, Training, Motorcycle, Electrical, System, machine, Trainer, Figure, Figure, education, aids, math, visual aids, physical, visual aids, chemistry, visual aids, biology, Kit, Biology, Physical, Chemical, chemistry, Mathematics, carts, Manusi Framework, Framework, SD kit, KIT SEQI elementary, junior high science KIT, KIT SMU IPA , KIT Elementary Mathematics, Mathematics junior KIT, KIT Mathematics High School, KIT Optics SMU, SMU Mechanics KIT, KIT Mechanics, Electricity Kit, SEQIP, Electricity and Magnet Kit, KIT Distillation, Materials and amendments KIT, KIT Preparation of the solution, electrostatic KIT, Kit hydrostatics and Heat Etc

Contact Person:
1. Ibu Dini 0812 800 69 024, 0813 9929 1909, 0817 6700 726, 0815 1963 9621
2. Fikri 0815 614 1954
3. Syafei 0811 893 101
Address: Jl. Pahlawan Revolusi No. 22B
Tel. 021 - 8611 444, 8611 449, 8611 259, 707 80 176, 8611 131, 8611 212
Fax: + 62-21-8611 207
EMAIL: sales@
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