Opto Electronic Trainer APPT93225
Opto Electronic Trainer.
The Opto electronic trainer is used to covers the optical transmission technique, one of the most popular techniques in transmission technology. The trainer is designed for demonstration and experiment activities in fields of high quality demonstration of fiber optics both analog and digital transmission. The trainer suitable used in vocational secondary school.
The support accessories include an optical fiber cable, a power supply required to run the experiment, and operation manual in English or Bahasa Indonesia.
Experiment Topics
* Introduction to fiber optic transmission
* Transmission of digital with synchronous method transmission
* Transmission of digital with asynchronous method
* Transmission of data in the form of DC voltage
* Transmission of voice signals through optical fiber using asynchronous method
* Fiber optic receiver
* Fiber optic transmitter
* Frequency to voltage converter
* Voltage to frequency converter
* Parallel to serial ( asynchronous)
* Parallel to serial ( synchronous)
* Serial to parallel ( asynchronous)
* Serial to parallel ( synchronous)
* Analog to digital
* Digital to analog
* Pulse generator
* Audio module ( speaker and microphone)
* Power supply
* Fiber optic cable
* Competed with standard accessories
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Distributor, Agent, Penjualan, Pemasangan dan Training.
Jakarta - Indonesia.
Kontak Person: Syafei ( 0815 614 1954, 0811 893 101) .
Alamat: Jl. Pahlawan Revolusi No. 22B
Jakarta Timur
Telp. + 62-21-8611 131, 8611 259, 8611 444, 8611449.
Fax : + 62-21-8611 207
email : sales@ alatperaga.com
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