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DRAEGER NARKOMED 4 Anaesthesia machine
DRAEGER NARKOMED 4 unit Refurbished, 2 vaporizers ( Halothane + Isoflurane ) , lengkap dengan ventilator dan monitor
ASAHI Dental Panoramic X-Ray unit w/ cephalometric
ASAHI Dental Panoramic X-Ray unit, lengkap dengan cephalometric, unit Refurbished
Ventilator ICU SIEMENS Servo 900C
ventilator icu SIEMENS servo 900c lengkap dengan trolley, O2 mixer
DRAGER Infinity Vista XL Patient Monitor
Pasien monitor DRAGER Infinity Vista XL, ex demo unit, original packing
Panoramic Dental X Ray unit INSTRUMENTARIUM OP100 with Chepalometric
Panoramic Dental X-Ray unit merk INSTRUMENTARIUM OP100 with cephalometric, unit refurbished, flat casstte model, manufacturing year 2002
GE Dash 3000
GE Dash 3000 patient monitor, ex demo unit, komplit, good condition
DRAGER Sulla 808V Anaesthesia Machine
Re-conditioned DRAGER Sulla 808V anaesthesia machine+ ventilator, good condition
DRAGER Sulla 19 Anaesthesia Machine
Re-conditioned DRAGER Sulla 19 Anaesthesia Machine + ventilator, good condition
Refurbished SIEMENS Servo 300A ICU Ventilator siap pakai
HAMILTON Galileo ICU Ventilator
Used Hamilton Galileo ICU Ventilator excellent condition, low hour meter
Used GE RTX 200 ( mobile type) with 2 probes : convex + transvaginal, including SONY UP-895MD printer
MAQUET H 4 X manual operating table
Used Maquet manual multi purpose operating table in excellent condition
DRAGER Vapor 2000 anaesthesia vaporizer
DRAGER Vapor 2000 vaporizer ( halothane, isoflurane, sevofurane)
ULCO Signet 615 Anaesthesia Machine
Refurbished ULCO Signet 615 anaesthesia machine+ ventilator, excellent condition
ATHERTON Hospital Sterilizer
Refurbished digital ATHERTON Sterilizer with drying system, 40 litres chamber
New ZOLL Auto External Defibrilator, original packing
Central Patient Monitor FUKUDA DENSHI Dynascope DS-7600
Central monitor FUKUDA DENSHI Dynascope DS 7600, touch screen, telemetry & integrated LAN system for 16 beds
defibrilator LIFEPAK 9B
defibrilator unit merk LIFEPAK 9B, dengan built in ecg monitor, unit refurbished, siap pakai
stryker patien trolley
STRYKER patien trolley, unit refurbished, siap pakai
TAKAOKA Samurai I Anaesthesia Machine
New TAKAOKA Samurai Anaesthesia Machine with ventilator and 2 vaporizer, original packing
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