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Kami dalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang jasa penjualan juga agen/ distributor dari instrumentasi alat ukur dan kontrol dan kalibrasi serta penyedia jasa servis atau perbaikan.
Misi dan Visi kami adalah melakukan layanan di bidang tersebut dengan mengutamakan kepuasan customer/ pelanggan dengan memberikan harga produk yang kompetitif dari merek-merek yang mendunia, handal, dan berkualitas, antara lain:
1. Krohne
2. Siemens
- Pressure Measurement - Temperatur Measurement - Positioners - Process Protection - Process Controllers - Process Recorders - Supplementary Components - Communication and Software
3. Kobold
- Pressure - Temperature - Orp - Ph - Conductivity - Humidity - Turbidity - Density - Rotation - Transmitters - Ritational Speed - Time Measurement
4. Oval
- Positive Displacement Flowmeter - Turbin Flowmeter - Thermal Mass Flowmeter - Control Flowmeter For Energy Saving - Totalizer Batch Counter - Compensator and Flow Computer - Su Series Other Electrinics - Strainer - Air Eliminator - Streightener - V-Torque
5. Phymetrix
- Dew Point Meters - Moisture Meters - Mositure Dew Point In Electrinicals - Moisture - Dew Point In Hydrocarbons - Moisture - Dew Point In Natural Gas - Moisture - Dew Point In Sf6 Gas
6. Azbil Yamatake
- Photoelectronic Sensors - Measurement Sensors - Proximity Sensors - Limit Switches - Safety Interlock Switches - Basic Switches - Manual Switches
- Pa5 Series M12 Connector Cable - Digital Controllers - Recorders - Indicators - Converters - Flame Safeguard ( fsg) - Controls - Acuators - Sensors - Mechanical Controllers - Gas Flow Measurement and Control Products
7. Metrohm
- Titration - Ph/ Ion Measurement - Sensors - Ion Chromatoghraphy - Polarography - Va - Cvs - Stability Measurement - Nirsystems
Anda bisa mengklik "Info Perusahaan" dan "Hubungi Kami" untuk melihat isi dan informasi lain dari situs TRIMITRA USAHA PRIMA.
Misi dan Visi kami adalah melakukan layanan di bidang tersebut dengan mengutamakan kepuasan customer/ pelanggan dengan memberikan harga produk yang kompetitif dari merek-merek yang mendunia, handal, dan berkualitas, antara lain:
1. Krohne
2. Siemens
- Pressure Measurement - Temperatur Measurement - Positioners - Process Protection - Process Controllers - Process Recorders - Supplementary Components - Communication and Software
3. Kobold
- Pressure - Temperature - Orp - Ph - Conductivity - Humidity - Turbidity - Density - Rotation - Transmitters - Ritational Speed - Time Measurement
4. Oval
- Positive Displacement Flowmeter - Turbin Flowmeter - Thermal Mass Flowmeter - Control Flowmeter For Energy Saving - Totalizer Batch Counter - Compensator and Flow Computer - Su Series Other Electrinics - Strainer - Air Eliminator - Streightener - V-Torque
5. Phymetrix
- Dew Point Meters - Moisture Meters - Mositure Dew Point In Electrinicals - Moisture - Dew Point In Hydrocarbons - Moisture - Dew Point In Natural Gas - Moisture - Dew Point In Sf6 Gas
6. Azbil Yamatake
- Photoelectronic Sensors - Measurement Sensors - Proximity Sensors - Limit Switches - Safety Interlock Switches - Basic Switches - Manual Switches
- Pa5 Series M12 Connector Cable - Digital Controllers - Recorders - Indicators - Converters - Flame Safeguard ( fsg) - Controls - Acuators - Sensors - Mechanical Controllers - Gas Flow Measurement and Control Products
7. Metrohm
- Titration - Ph/ Ion Measurement - Sensors - Ion Chromatoghraphy - Polarography - Va - Cvs - Stability Measurement - Nirsystems
Anda bisa mengklik "Info Perusahaan" dan "Hubungi Kami" untuk melihat isi dan informasi lain dari situs TRIMITRA USAHA PRIMA.
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