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3 engineering co
3 engineering co

AUTOSOL Metal Polish

AUTOSOL Metal Polish
Metal Polish is a special polish to be used for all kinds of metal
(silver,brass,copper,chrome,aluminum,nickel,).Just apply
AUTOSOL Metal Polish on clean cloth, rub the metal with it, and you
will have a shiny, clean, and polished metal. AUTOSOL Metal Polish also
protects metal parts and prevents rust and corrosion

http:/ /
virlie enginering co
pin BB 2219AA8A
telp 33832900,085883358833,087882014995,081388688801
mall mega glodok lt GF block D 5 no 1
mall mega glodok lt GF block A10 no 1
mall mega glodok lt GF block A10 no 11
  • AUTOSOL Metal Polish,

    AUTOSOL Metal Polish....

    telp 33832900,085883358833,087882014995,081388688801

    AUTOSOL Metal Polish,
    Metal Polandia cat khusus untuk digunakan untuk semua jenis logam
    ( perak, kuningan, tembaga, krom, aluminium, nikel, dll) . Hanya berlaku
    AUTOSOL Metal....

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