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    Bostik Seal N Flex 1, Class A polyurethane sealant, Construction Joint Sealent,

    telp 33832900,085883358833,087882014995,081388688801
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    Bostik Seal N Flex 1 is a low modulus, one component, Class A polyurethane sealant. When cured it will form a tough, flexible seal capable of cyclic expansion and compression movement of 50% ( + / -25% ) of the original joint width. Seal N Flex 1 is virtually unaffected by normal weathering conditions such as rain, sunlight, snow, ultra violet radiation, ozone, atmospheric contamination and pollution. Its excellent weatherbility enables it to obtain its original properties after years of exposure.

    SEAL ' N' FLEX 1 ( High Performance Polyurethane Construction Joint Sealent )
    Sealant berbahan dasar PU, fleksibel, digunakan untuk sambungan Precast, Expantion Joint, Alluminium Composite, Panel, Brickworks
    Warna : Black, Gray, White.
    Kemasan : 20 sausage @ 600 ml.

    Bostik Seal N Flex FC is a fast curing, high performance one component polyurethane elastomeric joint sealant/ adhesive. When fully cured Seal N Flex FC will provide a tough, flexible seal capable of cyclic expansion and compression to 50% ( 25% ) of original joint width without primer on most substrates. Seal N Flex FC is unaffected by ultra violet radiation, atmospheric contamination or pollution. Its excellent weatherability enables it to retain its original properties after years of exposure.

    Bostik Seal N Flex AC is a single component water based constriction grade acrylic sealant for general construction sealing applications. Designed for internal application for vertical and some horizontal ( non trafficable) sealing requirements where a flexible joint sealant is required ( maximum + / - 12.5% ) .

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    virlie enginering co
    YM : virlie_darius@
    LIVE: virlie.darius@
    email: mgkkemayoran@ g
    pin BB 2219AA8A
    telp 33832900, 085883358833, 087882014995, 081388688801
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