Zavio megapixel ip cube with low price high quality Zavio ip camera cctv[23 Oct. 2011, 18:19:20]
Megapixel IP camera dari Zavio merupakan produk terbaru dengan kualitas sangat tajam dan jernih untuk hasil video dan sudah mendukung megapixel video bukan VGA lagi
Dengan harga terjangkau dan free software 16 channel bentar lagi upgrade menjadi 32 channel tetep free dan software baru yang simple cuma 9 channel aja dan tetep Free - mantab banget
Harga nih cuma 205 usd --- buset deh cari dimana ini harga segini barang bagus
Markeitng call 087877 123328 / 08811 675259 Andy or email zennoss99@
* 1.3 megapixel progressive scan CMOS sensor
* H.264, Motion JPEG, MPEG-4 and 3GPP video streams
* 15 fps in 1280 x 1024, 30 fps in 640 x 480
* 4.2 mm, F1.8 megapixel fixed lens
* Two-way audio with built-in microphone and audio detection
* SD card local storage
* Ultra compact size
* SSL v3 advanced HTTPS encryption
* Full support for Firefox, Safari and Mac OS
* Supports Samba network storage
* 3GPP mobile surveillance
* Easy access via EZvuu and Windows Live Messenger
* Multi-lingual user interface
* Supports ONVIF
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