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PT.Wijaya Solusindo

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PT.Wijaya Solusindo
Info Perusahaan
Kontak Perusahaan
Nama:Tn. Yana Rudiyana [Teknisi]
Situs Web:
Pesan Instan:
Nomor Ponsel:Nomor ponsel Tn. Yana Rudiyana di Depok
Nomor Telpon:Nomor telpon Tn. Yana Rudiyana di Depok
Alamat:Jl.Radar Auri 136
Depok 16052, Jawa Barat
Rata-rata Tinjauan PemakaiTidak ada ulasan untuk perusahaan ini - Menulis tinjauan
Tanggal Bergabung:24 May. 2023
Terakhir Diperbarui:12 Sep. 2011
Sifat Dasar Usaha:Jasa dari kategori Komputer & Software

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PT. WIJAYA SOLUSINDO was originally incorporate in 2006. Established by group of professionals in
advanced data communication solution though, satellite, fiber optic, radio link network and internet
services. The company has a wide range of services in fiber optics, internet services and information

Lead by a team of experienced and entrepreneurial manager who area dedicated and committed to
bring the company and business model to success in information technology and telecommunication

In the era of globalization and rapid technology developments today, the need for information becomes
very important. And the provision of accurate information, effective and efficient can directly improve
the image and quality of the Company.
Based on the above demands, then one of the most important factor in managing the coordination and
distribution needs of internal information of other companies is the support of integrated
communication systems.

PT. WIJAYA SOLUSINDO, a company engaged in the field of Internet Service Providers and value-added
and network applications offers a total integrated solution to address the needs of customers in the
Internet connection and the development of communications networks become more comprehensive
and integrated. In this case PT. WIJAYA SOLUSINDO have different services: Internet, Managed
Services, Data Center, Network Application, and IT Consultant. All that we provide to meet the needs
of different customers. Outlines a solution that PT. WIJAYA SOLUSINDO can give include efficient
communication, effective, accurate and fast through the network and infrastructure are available. This
is a criterion which the reliability and cost become the most important consideration in building a
communications network.

Vision of PT. WIJAYA SOLUSINDO not only as an Internet Service Provider, but also as the best solution
provider for companies associated with communication networks and value added, we believe that if
the company you / I' ll get an appropriate solution to meet existing needs.

WIJAYA SOLUSINDO provides a full international call customer related solutions in Indonesia and
regionally covering among others:
Internet Service
Wire Line and Wireless Network
Broadband VSAT Service
Information Technology
Data Centre

WIJAYA SOLUSINDO is a company built one strong belief of result, people and integrity. This
combination is essential to accomplishing the company' s primary purpose of providing a solution that
wills significantly all forms of customer â € “ agent communication and IT Solutions.

WIJAYA SOLUSINDO Value area the foundation of the company culture and created the environment in
which hard work is done with passion. Its values are deeply held beliefs that guide the behavior,
decision â € “ making, and frame work building for daily interactions amongst the team.

The WIJAYA SOLUSINDO team recognizes the quality, reputation, consistent performance and
satisfaction with its products will be the measure and vehicle for the company' s success. The company
believes that its values a competitive advantage that allows WIJAYA SOLUSINDO to discover, develop,
and deliver the solution to its clients.
VISIon of statement

To be leader in broadband Telecommunication Solution
Mision of statement

To create value to all stakeholders of the company by rendering high class outsourcing service in
technology and communication related services and products and being able to compete in the local
and regional market. To provide the highest quality service, with the use of advanced skills and
innovative technology and to provide a " one stop shop" service for explain complaints.

Quality and continual improvement to continually improve the quality of our processes, policies,
products and performance.

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