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Ibu Virlie viseal [Pemasaran]
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Nomor faks Ibu Virlie viseal di Jakarta Pusat
Jl.Angkasa Kav-B6 Mall Mega Glodok Kemayoran Blok:D5 NO.1,Blok:A10 NO.1,Blok:A10 NO.11
Jakarta Pusat 10610, Jakarta
Alamat Tervalidasi
pin BB 2219AA8A, 085883358833,, virlie,
Rata-rata Tinjauan Pemakai

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packing gasket seal,
Hargatelp 33832900,085883358833,087882014995
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Enviropak 7600, Enviropak 7900, Enviropak Jointex, Garlock 2900, Garlock 2920, Garlock 2930, Garlock 2950, Garlock 7005, Garlock 7021, Garlock 1000,
BLUE- GARD® Gasketing material made from a unique blend of fibers, fillers, and a choice of several elastomeric binders. Excels in a wide range of industrial applications.
BLUE-GARD® Style Garlock 3000, BLUE- GARD® Style Garlock 3200, BLUE- GARD® Style Garlock 3300, BLUE- GARD® Style Garlock 3400, BLUE- GARD® Style Garlock 3700, GRAPH- LOCK®
Pure exfoliated graphite material handles extreme temperatures, resists nearly all non- oxidizing chemicals, and offers excellent compressibility and low creep relaxation. Available in homogeneous material, or with metallic or non- metallic inserts.
Garlock GRAPH- LOCK® 3123/ 3125, Garlock GRAPH- LOCK® 3124/ 3126, Garlock GRAPH- LOCK® 3125SS,
Garlock GRAPH- LOCK® 3125TC, Garlock GRAPH- LOCK® 3128 HOCHDRUCK® ,
GYLON® Restructured PTFE gasketing with excellent chemical resistance. Significantly reduces creep relaxation problems typical of conventional PTFE.
GYLON® Style Garlock 3500, GYLON® Style Garlock 3504, GYLON® Style Garlock 3510, GYLON® Style Garlock 3522 Diaphragm Material, GYLON® Style Garlock 3530, GYLON® Style Garlock 3535 Joint Sealant, GYLON® Style Garlock 3540,
GYLON® Style Garlock 3545, GYLON® Style Garlock 3565 ENVELON® Gasketing, GYLON® Style Garlock Gen2™ 3591,
GYLON® Style Garlock Gen2™ 3594, GYLON® Style Garlock HP3560, GYLON® Style Garlock HP3561, Thermally Bonded GYLON® ,
High Temp
Style Garlock 706, Style Garlock 9800, Style Garlock 9850, Style Garlock 9900,
Inorganic Fiber
Inorganic fiber gasketing with excellent thermal stability and torque retention for optimal sealability in temperatures up to 550° F ( 290° C) continuous.
Style Garlock 5500, Style Garlock 5507,
Proprietary compound virtually eliminates oil and hydrocarbon leaks even under low bolt load, and avoids " weep- through" common to vegetable fiber gasketing. Recommended for lightweight gear box covers and fuel pumps, as well as standard ASME raised face flanges.
LEAK- GARDâ„¢ Style Garlock 3750,
Over 70% of gasket failures are due to lack of load. MULTI- SWELLâ„¢ Style 3760 Gaskets react with water or oil to create its own load. Problems with low load applications and leakage are a thing of the past.
MULTI- SWELLâ„¢ Style Garlock 3760,
Premium Rubber
Premium grade elastomer ( rubber) sheet products for applications where the low load requirements of rubber are necessary.
Garlock 22 Red SBR Rubber Sheet, Garlock 7797 Premium Grade Neoprene Rubber Sheet, Garlock 7986 Neoprene Rubber Sheet, Garlock 8314 Premium Grade EPDM Rubber Sheet, Garlock 8316 FDA Compliant EPDM, Garlock 9064 Off-white Neoprene Rubber Sheet, Garlock 9122 Nitrile Rubber Sheet, Garlock 9518 High Performance Fluoroelastomer Sheet Rubber, Garlock 9780 High-Performance Fluoroelastomer Rubber Sheet, Reinforced Rubber/ Rubber DiaphragmStyle Garlock 19, Style Garlock 7992, Style Garlock 8798, Style Garlock 9200, STRESS SAVER® Raised, molded-in sealing rings seal with 75% less surface area for high performance in non- metallic flanges.
STRESS SAVER® Garlock 370, STRESS SAVER® Garlock 6800, STRESS SAVER® Garlock XP, Vegetable Fiber A group of low cost gaskets that utilize vegetable fiber and/ or cork to seal in low pressure, low temperature applications. These gaskets are easy to cut and meet a number of automotive, military and industrial requirements
Style Garlock 660, Style Garlock 670, Style Garlock 681, API 901 Asbestos Gasket Sheet-Off White, API 1001 Asbestos Gasket Sheet with Wire Insert- Black, API 7006 Asbestos Gasket Sheet, Brownish SBR Binder, API 7022 Asbestos Gasket Sheet, Grey- Black SBR Binder, API 7229 Asbestos Gasket Sheet, Grey- Black Nitrite Binder, API Style 1021 Non Asbestos Gasket with Wire Insert, Black Graphited, API Style 1031 Non Asbestos Gasket with Wire Insert, Blue, API Style 2000 Homogenous Pure Graphite Sheet, API Style 2001 Graphite Sheet with 316SS Foil Insert, API Style 2002 Graphite Sheet with 316SS Wire Mesh Insert, API Style 2003 Graphite Sheet with 316SS Tang Insert, API Style 3700 Non Asbestos Gasket Sheet, Greyblack Nitrile Binder, API Style 3710 Non Asbestos Synthetic Nitrile Binder Gasket, Off White, API Style 3720 Non Asbestos Synthetic SBR Binder Gasket, Off White, API Style 3800 Non Asbestos Gasket Sheet Nitrile Binder, Off White, TEADIT gasket sheet,

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virlie enginering co
YM : virlie_darius@
LIVE: virlie.darius@
email: mgkkemayoran@ g
pin BB 2219AA8A
telp 33832900, 085883358833, 087882014995, 081388688801
mall mega glodok lt GF block D 5 no 1
mall mega glodok lt GF block A10 no 1
mall mega glodok lt GF block A10 no 11
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