[9 Jan. 2012, 6:44:55]
The Polycom ® HDX ® 7000 series provides flexible, affordable HD video conferencing for....
[9 Jan. 2012, 6:44:09]
With LifeSize Express 220, you not only get Full HD video qualityâ € ” 1080p30/ 720p60â € ” ....
[9 Jan. 2012, 6:42:15]
A better concept, better quality and performance with more eficient in cost and bandwith....
[16 Dec. 2011, 8:40:31]
[16 Dec. 2011, 8:37:39]
[16 Dec. 2011, 8:35:56]
For organizations migrating to high-definition video and audio communication, Polycom ® ....
[14 Dec. 2011, 7:14:53]
For the first time, Full HD and superior multipoint conferencing is available at the....
[11 Dec. 2011, 5:43:31]
Vidyoconferencing takes the HD experience from the headquarters room setting into the....
[11 Dec. 2011, 5:40:07]
VidyoDesktop software turns any Windows or Macintosh computer into an HD....
[11 Dec. 2011, 5:36:30]
The VidyoPortal is an intuitive web-based environment for accessing the functionality of....
[11 Dec. 2011, 5:29:00]
[3 Dec. 2011, 8:51:19]
Connecting the most people in the highest quality at the lowest cost, this real-time....
[3 Dec. 2011, 8:46:40]
The Polycom ® RMX ® 1500 real-time multimedia conferencing platform ( RMX ® 1500) extends....
[3 Dec. 2011, 8:41:53]
For media-rich group presentations, Polycom HDX 8000 series systems enable users to....
[3 Dec. 2011, 8:25:43]
The VidyoRoom intuitive user interface makes starting a conference as easy as pressing a....
[3 Dec. 2011, 8:10:20]
[3 Dec. 2011, 7:59:52]
[3 Dec. 2011, 7:54:15]
[3 Dec. 2011, 7:46:46]
With LifeSize Room 220, you get the highest level of quality available today -- Full High....
[3 Dec. 2011, 6:32:25]
With LifeSize Passport you get True HD video quality - 720p30 - for natural, realistic....