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PT. Tunas Samudra Kurnia

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PT. Tunas Samudra Kurnia
Info Perusahaan
Kontak Perusahaan
Nama:Tn. Syamsuar Husain [Karyawan]
Pesan Instan:
Y!: syamsuar_husain 
Nomor Ponsel:Nomor ponsel Tn. Syamsuar Husain di surabaya
Nomor Telpon:Nomor telpon Tn. Syamsuar Husain di surabaya
Nomor Faks:Nomor faks Tn. Syamsuar Husain di surabaya
Alamat:Jl. Laksda M. Nasir 29 G-30
surabaya 90165, Jawa Timur
Rata-rata Tinjauan PemakaiTidak ada ulasan untuk perusahaan ini - Menulis tinjauan
Tanggal Bergabung:24 May. 2023
Terakhir Diperbarui:9 Apr. 2011
Sifat Dasar Usaha:Jasa dari kategori Transportasi

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Dear Sirs/ Madam,
Even though Indonesiaâ s political situation currently is not stable and economic crisis but Indonesia still become one of the best and attractive country for foreignerâ s investor to invest in. Therefore, we would like to take this opportunity to introduce our company and our services to you.
PT. TUNAS SAMUDRA KURNIA was established in 1990 as the leading freight forwarder in Indonesia, which has branches office in Bandung, Semarang & Surabaya.
Our aim is to provide only the highest level of service and satisfaction, supported by experienced staff in handling Export & Import Documentation, NVOCC, Groupage Consolidation, Sea & Air Freight Services, Custom Clearance, and Transportation. We would like to provide free handling fee for your full container consign to Indonesia and a commission / rebate for your direct groupage consolidation consign to Indonesia subject to volume. The terms asf:
Overseas Consign to Indonesia asf :
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
1. Commission / rebate for your direct groupage consolidation consign to Indonesia subjet to volume:
LCL Groupage consol HBL for direct account & coloader,
rebate/ refund for you asf : U$ 25/ M3 min cargo 20 M3/ 20â with 4 HBL & Min cargo 50
M3/ 40â with 6 HBL.
2. LCL coload shipment consigned to direct account & coloader â free handling feeâ .
3. FCL/ Full Container shipment consigned to direct account & coloader â free handling feeâ .
4. Air Cargo Shipment consigned to us â free handling feeâ .
The above condition for your free hand cargo.
5. Generated sales / routing order/ nomination = 50/ 50 profit share.
Hopefully above information will assist you for our mutual benefit.
Also if you do need more information about our financial background, we will provide it upon your request. Such as our Bankâ s reference , shipping line reference or even our revenue. And if any outstanding matter happening, we will give you guarantee to settle it immediately.
Thank you very much for your valuable time in reading our email. Please do not hesitate to contact myself at telephone : ( 62-31) 3285830, fax : ( 62-31) 3285825, if there is enquiry.
We are looking forward to hear from you.

Thanks & Brgds
Telp : 0313285830
Fax : 0313285825
Flexi : 03170046771
HP : 081233508146.
Skype : syamsuar
Email : syamsuar_husain@

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