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One of the main concerns in modern
Industrial Aviculture is breathing
The majority of airborne virus, bacteria
and fungus find their way into the
target cells through the airways to
achieve the continuation of its life cycle.
The simultaneous conjunction of virus
and bacteria associated to adverse
environmental conditions, develop
extremely complex clinical situations of
difficult solutions with clear performance
interference, risking in many
cases the exploration economical
For instance the presence or absence of
certain pathogenic agents like for
instance the Mycoplasm can determine
the success or failure of the business.
It is up to the entrepreneur and poultry
technicians to be aware of those facts
and to establish needed strategies to
reduce the risk of infection pressure to a
minimum as well as the pathology risks
in their explorations via adequate
prophylaxis, disinfections and correct
sanitary vacancies.
Airfree Agro electric devices provide a
priceless contribution to the reduction
of infection pressure and consequently
of the effective general pathology.
Through this new air sterilization
concept, based on a new patented
revolutionary thermal process, a
dramatic viral, microbial and fungal
pollution reduction is achieved in the
chicken house ambience with consequent
reflex in the flocks sanitary status

The Airfree Agro action mechanism is
a natural process characterised by:
being innocuous, no Microbial Induction
resistance and guaranteed
efficiency provides a safe product to the
final consumer.
Airfree Technik patended technology is
absolutely safe, produces no emissions
and delivers pure air continuously.
U.S. Patent 5, 874, 050 - EPO Patent
Application EP 0 815 877 A2 1
Airfree Agro uses just heat to sterilize
the air. No emissions nor particles are
created or increased with the use of
Airfree Technik
SP Swedish National Institute tests
show a small reduction and assure not
additional emissions. Please see Tests.
Airfree Agro was tested in several
countries in Europe and in the USA. In
all those tests a minimum 85% airborne
micro-organism reduction was
achieved. Laboratories such as SGS
Natec in Hamburg, INETI in Lisbon,
Universidad Complutense de Madrid,
Technical Micronics Control in the USA,
Universidade Nova de Lisboa and many
independent institutions have proven
above reduction.
Airfree Agro
Pure air - Healthy Flocks
Safety & Efficiency
Patented Airfree
Emissions ( VOC)
and Particles
Bacteria and Fungus
The Airfree Agro action mechanism is
a natural process characterised by:
being innocuous, no Microbial Induction
resistance and guaranteed
efficiency provides a safe product to the
final consumer.
While viruses are not considered living
organisms they depend upon living
cells to replicate. The structure of the
virus includes an envelope constituted
by proteins and genetic material of
DNA or RNA. All of these components
are thermo-sensible. The genetic material
and the proteins have complex
structures regulating their function,
and change in this structure may result
in a loss of function known as denaturizing.
There are two basic means by
which denaturing occurs: a change in
PH or temperature.
Numerous studies have focused on
virus inactivation through heat application.
For example, HIV virus in the blood
will die when exposedto 77 degrees C1
for as little as 0.006 seconds1. In
another study, parvovirus and phage
phiX174 were completely inactivated
when exposed to 103 degrees C for 90
seconds2. In the case of the Herpes
virus, high temperatures inhibit the
release of proteins necessary for the
success of the infection3. Ai rborne
viruses are no different. One study of
respiratory sincytyal virus ( the major
cause of wheezing in children less than
Viruses and heat
Some examples: viruses
and heat inactivation
2 years old) showed that when the virus
is exposed to 65 degrees C for 45 minutes,
the infection capacity is diminished
and conformational proteins are
transformed, resulting in a reduction of
of substances responsible for the
inflammation, hyper-responsiveness
and damage to airpassages4. The SARS
virus ( causative agent of severe acute
respiratory syndrome) has thermosensible
proteins in its envelope, which
can be totally denaturized at 55
degrees C, the same temperature at
which SARS virus was also reported to
be inactivated5. The influenza virus ( the
following information is redundant I
believe) contains proteins essential for
infectious transmission that are
sensible to variations of pH and temperature
between 55-70 degrees C 6.
The avian flu
Transmission and
All birds are susceptible to the avian
virus and some types of wild birds are
natural reservoir of influenza type A
virus. They have a large amount of avian
virus in their secretion, saliva and feces
that can contaminate domestic poultry
when in contact. Furthermore, their
dropping or saliva may contaminate
water, rivers, feed and even human
shoes8. Infected droplets may settle on
conjunctival, nasopharyngeal or other
respiratory mucosal epithelium in
humans12 leading to symptons ranged
from typical influenza-like symptoms
( e.g., fever, cough, sore throat, and
muscle aches) to eye infections
( conjunctivitis) , pneumonia, acute
respiratory distress, viral pneumonia,
and other severe and life-threatening
Avian Flu characteristics
and your heat instability.
The avian virus, H5N1, is a negativesense
single-stranded RNA virus12,
which has two types of proteins in its
surface: hemagglutinin ( HA) and neuraminidase
( NA) 13. It is known from the
literature that the virus can be inactivated
by 56º C in 3 hours and 60º C in 30
minutes8. Thus, only four degrees of
temperature elevation reduced the
time of inactivation exposure about
85% .
The virus, responsible for the bird flu,
can be spread from the poultry to
humans and until now, about 20
millions of chickens have been slaughtered
in order to control the spread of
the virus10. Since 1997, it has been
reported more than 100 cases of the
disease in humans, resulting in more
than 50 deaths8. Experts are very
concerned about the rising of a pandemic
new strain of the virus because
of the mixing between avian and
human viruses. It’ s suspected that the
virus could infect someone who is
already infected with a human flu virus
like A, resulting in genetic rearrangement
and a novel pathogen that could
be highly virulent 11 and easily transmitted
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