TABUNG K3 EDTA[4 Jan. 2010, 23:04:06]
GVT serum tubes are coated with silicone and micronized silica particles to accelerate clotting with 8~ 10 times gentle inversion.
Silicon on the wall makes serum tubes reduce adherence of red cells to tube walls
Chemistry, Immunology, and Serology :
- ABO type
- Antibody Screen
- Indirect Antiglobulin Test ( IAT)
- Type and Screen ( T& S)
- Crossmatch or Type and Cross ( T& C)
- RH Immune Globulin
- Antibody Titer
- Antigen Typing
- Infectious Mononucleosis such as Monotest or Monospot
- Rheumatoid Arthritis: RA, and Rheumatoid Factor ( RF)
- Syphilis testing such as Rapid Plasma Reagin ( RPR)
- Venereal Disease Research Lab: VDRL or Fluorescent Treponemal Antibody Test ( FTABS)
- Rubella titer
- Strep testing: Streptozyme or Anti-streptolysin O ( ASO Titer)
- Pregnancy test
- Cold Agglutinins( CAG) : Keep sample warm after collection
- Haptoglobin ( HP)
- C-reactive Protein ( CRP)
- And so on.