Differential Cell Counter[9 Nov. 2009, 21:59:14]
- Hwashin Differential Cell Counters are designed for the efficiency to be required in your hematology laboratory.
- Soft-touch keys let you count faster and have less fatigue than you have ever experienced on a mechanical counter.
- Differential counter has a separate two-digit display for each cell type plus a three-digit
display for the total number of cells you have counted.
- Alarm actuates every 100 counts.
- You can choose one of 9-key model or 12-key model depending on your need in laboratory.
- There is no need to count exactly one hundred cells or to do a lot of time-consuming calculations
because percentage is displayed for you with a single key stroke.
- Separate 2-digit LED displays for each channel and every LED goes up to 99.
- A 3-digit total channel is increased by one digit whenever the corresponding counting key is depressed.
- Available to count up to 999.
Key pad
- Model 309DF : Nine counting keys plus a CLEAR key
- Model 312DF : Twelve counting keys plus TOTAL/ PERCENT, CONTI, + / -, CLEAR keys
- " Soft-touch" keys with audible click to acknowledge entry
Key functions
- Counting keys : Each key enters a count into a separate channel and into the TOTAL channel.
- NON TOTAL key : Enters a count into a separate channel, but not into the TOTAL channel.
- T/ % key : Total, otherwise calculating percentage
- CONTI key : You can get counts more than 100.
- + / - key : Adding or subtracting the numbers counted by S/ P key to totalize
- CLEAR key : Clears all channels
Dimension - 180W x 250D x 85H ( mm)
Net Weight - 1kg