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    White Hon Shimeji Mushrooms

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    Seasons/ Availability
    White Hon Shimeji Mushrooms are available year round.

    Current Facts
    Hon Shimeji, White Beech mushrooms, scientific name, Hypsizygus tessellatus is known as Bunapi-shimeji. Though it is commercially identified as Hon Shimeji, true Hon Shimeji mushroom, of the species Lyophyllum shimeji, are mycorrhizal fungi and very difficult to cultivate, which has lead to patented cultivation methods. Because of this mushroom' s petit size and delicate nature, they are harvested in bouquets to protect their vulnerable structure.

    Description/ Taste
    Hon Shimeji white beech mushrooms have ivory white colored smooth petite globular caps and identically colored slender stems that connect to a thick white porous inedible base which allows the mushrooms to grow. White Beech mushrooms have piquant aromas, sharp flavor when fresh, sweet and buttery when cooked and a firm crunchy texture that softens with cooking.

    Nutritional Value
    Uncooked Hon Shimeji are not only bitter in taste but their nutritional components are rendered useless to the human body as it can only assimilate cooked Hon Shimeji mushrooms.

    White hon shimeji mushrooms pair well with garlic or shallots and strong, savory herbs. Sauté or braise mushrooms in olive oil; season with soy, ginger, green onions or stock. Pairs well with tomatoes, red bell peppers and citrus fruits and is an ideal choice for tempura, stir-frys, stews and soups. To prepare, leave in small clusters or break into individual stems.

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