Indicator A12E+ | Indikator Timbangan | CV.GAJAH MAS SAKTI
Timbangan Digital | Elektronik
Feature :
- Weighing Indicator A12E+ with AC/ DC supply power .
- Application For electronic platform scale , floor scale , mechanic - electronic scale and static weighing system equipped 1-4 loadcell
- Simple counting function
- Floor scale Standart Score Board Function
- Hold Function
- IND - A12E+
Function RS-232
- IND - A12E+ - RS
FunctionTTL 2outputs
- IND - A12E+ - TTL
Function Score Board
- IND - A12E+ - SB
Function Peak hold function
- IND - A12E+ - PH
Function Hi Lo Go
- IND - A12E+ - HLG
Optional: - Standard RS- 232 serial interface