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Katalog Produk

M10K6 SERIES COMPACT SCALE[11 Dec. 2008, 2:57:45]
Jumlah Pesanan: Tambah ke Keranjang
Cara PembayaranTransfer Bank (T/T)
Kemas & PengirimanBox
All-purpose scale for office and/or laboratory. Featured by reduced size and large load capacity, it offers high weighing accuracy thanks to the 6000 reading divisions.


LCD display with 4 digits 15 mm high.
Mechanical membrane keypad with 3 keys: on/tare, off, unit of measure conversion.
Satined stainless steel plate.
Power supply: 9 V built-in battery (not included).
Packaging: dimensions: 310 x 250 x 95 mm - weight: 1,3 kg.
Master Pack of 4 units: dimensions: 410 x 340 x 260 mm - weight 6 kg.
Upon request: SIT calibration with issuing of relative certificate.