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DFW06XPCA with optional remote control[1 Feb. 2011, 19:48:10]
Jumlah Pesanan: Tambah ke Keranjang
Cara PembayaranTransfer Bank (T/T)
Kemas & PengirimanBox
High performance and versatile weighing indicators. A wide range of application programmes and interfaces make these suitable for many industrial and commercial weighing applications such as platform scales mobile weighing, etc,

CE-M approvable ( OIML R-76 / EN 45501) .

* 5-key functional or 17-key numerical and functional waterproof keypad.
* 25mm LCD backlit display with 6 high contrast digits with icons indicating the active functions.
* Easy to clean ABS waterproof IP65 enclosure built to withstand harsh treatment and corrosive environments
* Dimensions in mm: 278x192x186 mm
* Adjustable working angle for setting on a bench, column or wall
* 24-bit A/ D converter, 4 channels, up to 200 conv./ sec. and up to 8 signal linearisation points
* Up to 10.000e or multirange 3 x 3000e @ 0, 3 µ V/ d CE-M legal for trade.
* Up to 800, 000 displayable divisions with internal resolution up to 3.000.000 points.
* Digital calibration and set-up through keyboard or PC with DINITOOLS
* Built-in rechargeable battery ( 60 hours with one 350-Ohm load cell) and 12 Vdc power supply with external 230 Vac power adapter.
* Connectable with up to 8 350-Ohm load cells or up to 16 700-Ohm load cells.