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PT.TIARA JAYA MAKMUR ( Distributor, Importir and Stockist )

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Tahun ke-17


Elster Kromschröder components are recognised as being of the highest quality. Well-known manufacturers of heating systems and industrial furnaces like to install them. As they too cannot accept the slightest compromise when is comes to safety, economy and reliability.

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    • KROM SCHRODER -....

      KROM SCHRODER - Regulator Gas GIK-20T

      Gas Regulator GIK 15T
      Gas Regulator GIK 20T
      Gas Regulator GIK 25T
      Gas Regulator GIK 40T
      Gas Regulator GIK 50T
      Gas Regulator GIK 65T
      Gas Regulator GIK 80T

      HargaCompetitive Price

    • KROM SCHRODER -....

      KROM SCHRODER - Pressure Switch DG4U

      Diaphragm pressure switches with micro switch ( silicone-free) for monitoring gas pressures on industrial installations, for gas and air, also suitable for biologically produced....

      HargaCompetitive Price

    • KROM SCHRODER -....

      KROM SCHRODER - Pressure Switch DGU

      for monitoring gas pressures on industrial installations,

      Switching ranges: 0.4 to 500 mbar.
      DG..B for positive pressure,
      DG..U for positive pressure, negative pressure and....

      HargaCompetitive Price

    • KROM SCHRODER -....

      KROM SCHRODER - PressureSwitch DG

      for monitoring gas pressures on industrial installations,

      Switching ranges: 0.4 to 500 mbar.
      DG..B for positive pressure,
      DG..U for positive pressure, negative pressure and....

      HargaCompetitive Price

    • KROM SCHRODER -....

      KROM SCHRODER - Pressure Switch DGC

      Diaphragm pressure switches with micro switch ( silicone-free) for monitoring gas pressures on boilers, for positive pressure, for gas, also suitable for biologically produced....

      HargaCompetitive Price

    • KROM SCHRODER - Gas....

      KROM SCHRODER - Gas Pressure Switches DG VC4

      Pressure switches for gas DG..C
      Diaphragm pressure switches with micro switch ( silicone-free) for monitoring gas pressures on boilers, for positive pressure, for gas, also....

      HargaCompetitive Price

    • KROM SCHRODER : ....

      KROM SCHRODER : Pilot Burners ZKIH

      Pilot burners ZKIH
      Pilot burner with forced air supply for safe ignition of gas burners in conjunction with automatic burner control units IFS/ IFD or PFS/ PFD.

      Capacity: 2 to....

      HargaCompetitive Price

    • KROM SCHRODER : Gas....

      KROM SCHRODER : Gas Control VGBF

      Spring-loaded governor with inlet pressure compensation diaphragm and zero shut-off, for maintaining a constant set outlet pressure pa

      when gas throughput fluctuates, with....

      HargaCompetitive Price

    • KROM SCHRODER -....

      KROM SCHRODER - Governor GDJ

      Spring-loaded governor with inlet pressure compensation diaphragm and zero shut-off, for maintaining a constant set outlet pressure pa

      when gas throughput fluctuates, with....

      HargaCompetitive Price

    • KROM SCHRODER : ....

      KROM SCHRODER : Controls Gas GIKH

      Air/ gas ratio controls for maintaining a constant gas/ air pressure ratio of 1: 1, GIK for continuous control, GIK..B for high/ low/ off control, EC type tested and certified.


      HargaCompetitive Price

    • KROM SCHRODER -....

      KROM SCHRODER - Safety Valve VSBV

      Safety relief valve to reduce short-term pressure surges or to prevent gradual increases in pressure caused by gas leaks, for gas, EC type tested and certified.

      DN: 25,

      HargaCompetitive Price

    • KROM SCHRODER -....

      KROM SCHRODER - Burner Control PFD-778

      Automatic burner control units for continuous operation PFD 778
      Automatic burner control units in 19" standard rack for controlling and monitoring gas burners, for continuous....

      HargaCompetitive Price

    • KROM SCHRODER -....

      KROM SCHRODER - Governors Gas VGBF

      Governors for gas VGBF
      Spring- loaded governor with inlet pressure compensation diaphragm and zero shut- off, for maintaining a constant set outlet pressure pa

      when gas....

      HargaCompetitive Price

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