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Proximate Analyzer,  5E-MACIV
Proximate Analyzer, 5E-MACIV[14 Jul. 2011, 22:56:53]
Jumlah Pesanan:
Cara PembayaranTransfer Bank (T/T), Tunai
Kemas & Pengiriman1 set
Negara AsalChina


1. Adopting the advanced DSP control technology and updated adaptive control technology to make the control real-time and reliable
2. Use the same sample to determine the moisture, VM and ash to satisfy the requirement of rapid ash. The analysis of moisture, ash and VM of 19 samples could be determined within 150 min, it means the average analysis time for one sample is only 8 min. When the sample number is less than 5, the analysis could be finished within 80 min
3. High temperature furnace with ceramic fiber material, low thermal capacity, rapid rising and cooling temp. Short time is available with multi-batch of coal to do continuous analysis. Good thermal retardation and energy save effect
4. The fixed carbon, hydrogen and calorific value could be calculated automatically
5. Also the fly ash of combustibility, calcined petroleum coke, loss on ignition of cement could be determined
6. Real time balance reading display is available on the instrument. Convenient for controlling the sample weight
7. Query, print, statistic of analysis data are available during the experiment

Sample Number 19
Furnace Single furnace
Analysis Time d150min for 19 samples
d80min for 5 samples
Sample Mass ( g ) 0.8~ 1.2 recommended up to 5
Temp. Range Up to 1000 0C
Analysis Precision As per ASTM D5142-09
Temp. Contr. Resolution ( 0C) ± 5
Power ( kW ) d5
Net Weight ( Kg ) 50
Dimensions ( mm ) 550 x 550 x 523

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