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Selamat Datang Di MULYANA MANDIRI Supplier Alat Alat Survey Total Station Digital Theodolite Waterpass Gps Compass Speed Gun Hotline : 081210146646, 081385857180, 021-68923286, Fax : 021-5363385
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Jual Compass Brunton 5008 Kompas Geologi Call 081807480774[26 Jul. 2011, 10:14:22]
Harga021-50460182 = 021-91547473
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compas Brunton 5008
Brunton compass steel

Brunton 5008 ComPro Pocket Transit with Single NdFeB magnet and Sapphire jewel bearing. 0-360° and Leather Case.

* AlNiCo 5 magnet needle promotes needle dither and increased accuracy .
* Azimuth accuracy ± 1/ 2° with 1° graduations
* Vertical accuracy ± 1/ 2° with 1° graduations and 10 minute readability
* Vertical angle measurements to ± 90° or 100% grade
* A percent grade scale with increments of 5%
* Induction damped needle for quick, accurate readings
* Sapphire jewel bearing allows for smooth needle movement
* Magnetic declination adjustment allows for east or west declination setting to 180°
* Short and long sights for increased accuracy when sighting azimuth or vertical angles
* Precision aligned mirror with convenient " see through" sighting capability
* Composite body material is permanently impregnated with color
* O-rings make the Com-Pro waterproof for increased reliability

Physical Specifications

• Dimensions: 3.625" x 2.813" x 1.313"
• Weight: 12.4 oz.

Physical Specifications

• Dimensions: 3.625" x 2.813" x 1.313"
• Weight: 12.4 oz.
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