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Tn. Andy Darmawan [Pemasaran]

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Nomor telpon Tn. Andy Darmawan di Jakarta Barat

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Nomor ponsel Tn. Andy Darmawan di Jakarta Barat

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Superthrive[4 Feb. 2011, 8:54:26]
HargaRp 225.000,-
Jumlah Pesanan:
Kemas & Pengiriman120 ml
Negara AsalAmerika Serikat


SUPERthrive® unique extra life, Do not fall for confused, misled or fraudulent sales pitches for ineffective token substitutes. Please explain to fertilizer salesmen that SUPERthrive® is ADDED TO FERTILIZING program - NOT INSTEAD OF " PLANT FOODS." Those, by legal definition, are Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium, with or without trace minerals.
Also, so-called " root stimulators, high-phosphorus fertilizers ( possibly with a single hormone or vitamin) , seem like nothing" as substitutes for SUPERthrive® many nurserymen comment.
Likewise, anyone can evaporate and look at a frequently-found unbalancing 99-1/ 2% -water single-vitamin, single-hormone token-substitute. Many nurserymen have asked the Vitamin Institute to warn about these. Who would dare to feed them regularly to plants? And why? Whose family would consume only one vitamin? If there is no answer - ask your buyers to give your firm and customers, true SUPERthrive® 50 vitamins-hormones.

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